
Finally real work

I finally got a call back from ShopNBC offering me hours and pay that I could expect. I go to school Monday thru Thursday. And two of those days I don’t get out until 3 or later. So I needed something after that. They called me this morning offered me a job for Order Capture. Which is great, normally people aren’t angry when ordering stuff. And it’s full time. 40 hours a week and benefits. Which is amazing. I really wanted part time while I go to school full time but we could always use the money and full time means good money, and good money means we are closer to buying a house. 😀

I just wanted to update on the great news. I am super happy about it. After hearing that our new Jeep we just got needs a new transmission. About $1,600 to fix. Good thing we have savings but it sucks because we won’t after we fix that.

I hope to save money like crazy working but I know once you get a little money something happens. Well, that’s my luck anyway.

One thought on “Finally real work

  1. Yay for the job! Boo for the transmission! Your estimate sounds pretty reasonable though .. cause here when I jeep needed a new one it was like $2500 damn 4 wheel drive vehicles are expensive.

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