- What would the title of your autobiography be? It’s okay to be weird sometimes
- What’s your favorite movie soundtrack? The Wall or Rocky Horror Picture Show
- What do you want your epitaph to be? Float on.
- What everyday object would be a good amulet for you? My wedding band. I don’t take it off.
- What animal would be “your” spirit-guide, like in Clan of the Cave Bear? A hippo.
Don’t look back
“Don’t look back. It drags at your heart til you can’t do anything but look back.” -Scarlett O’Hara
Saturday 9: Someday We’ll Be Together
1. Have you ever left a relationship but knew that eventually you’d get back together? Yes. The lessons I have learned.
2. Are there things that you hate to buy? Items that you either hate to spend perfectly good money on or hate to spend the time it takes to buy them? Gas. I hate to buy it. I know I need it to go to work or any where else but the money.
3. What is your favorite cartoon show and why? Family Guy, hands down. 🙂 I just love the stupidness of it all. Good to veg out sometimes and not have to think.
4. Are you anywhere close to doing what you wanted to do as a kid? Kind of. I am in college to get a degree in Web design.
5. Now that you’re in the “real world,” is your current job now really what you want to do for a living? If not, what would you ultimately like to do? My current job is Order Capture for ShopNBC. It pays nice but it isn’t want I want to be doing for the rest of my life.
6. A local university has asked you to teach a class about the one thing you know the most about. What would you be teaching and what would the name of the course be? Web Design. Course name: Web design for Dummies. 🙂
7. Commercials … they can make us laugh or can annoy the heck out of us. Tell us about your favorite commercial and/or a commercial you simply loathe. I can take them or leave them. I don’t really have a favorite or anything that I truly hate.
8. Tell us about your favorite comedy movie of all time. Umm, I really don’t have one. :/ I fail as person. lol.
9. Tell us about your favorite black and white movie of all time. Gone with the Wind. It wasn’t true B&W but very close.
Is he. . .

Is he?
Cloudy. . .
I am so tired. I haven’t felt good all day. I think I am coming down with a cold. NOOO! I think I am going to fix me a bit to eat and see if that makes me feel any better. Waiting on Cody and Dustan to get here from school. When they get home, I’m heading to my moms to watch Cloudy with a chance of meatballs with my family. I got it burned on DVD. 🙂 OMG I can’t wait. Going to be great my the kids.
I need to finish laundry and making the bed. That is about it. Everything else is done. Which is awesome on my part.