“You better sign this before I kick your ass!” –Kim to me about a Random Drug Testing for Teachers petition. on 11.12.03
I am so tired. I need to stop staying up late at night.
IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! It was so funny. Today, Chris sung happy birthday to me in the style of Marilyn Monroe. It was great. He was all up in my nut and crackn’ it!! LMAO
Dude, I am so bored.
I am suppose to writing a paper right now over Random Drug Testing. But I am being lazy and just stop working. I only have another week before I have to turn it in. I am almost done with all of my papers. I have to have 5. I have two short stories, a personal narrative and two transaction writings (papers written outside of English). I can’t get out of High School without it. DAMN THINGS!!! : s t r e s s : I hate writing sometimes, yet I have a whole domain just for writing. 🙂 I love to write when it doesn’t have anything to do with school. LOL I guess I am odd like that.
Chris, guess what?