Happy June everyone!

Happy June everyone! I can’t believe it is already June. . .I doesn’t seem like time should be going this fast.

I’m waiting on mine and Kyle’s paychecks to hit the bank so I can pay all of our bills due. Then I was planing on going to bed but I’m not sure yet. I’m wrapping up my 4 days off and not sure how I want to end my days off.

I did just finish all my core classes for my degree and learned some really neat PDO stuff for PHP but I don’t know how I want to use it. I did also find the book Learning PHP Data Objects A Beginner’s Guide to PHP Data Objects, Database Connection Abstraction Library for PHP 5. I started reading over it. I know some of the information it is teaching but I thought either way it would be a good read.

Well, time to check the bank accounts again.


Day 1 of 366

Last year was an amazing year! For once in my life everything seems to be falling into place and going where they need to go. Since last year was so good here is to hoping this year will be just as great!

Today has been a good day as well. We woke up super late, snacked, watched almost the whole sixth season of Dexter and now, well, now we are about to head to bed because well, being lazy is hard. Which by the way never happens. Even on my lazy days, I cleaned some. Did dishes, swept and moped the kitchen, cooked dinner, cleaned the hamster cages, cleaned cat box, cleaned bathroom and vacuumed the whole house. πŸ˜€

New Year Resolutions?

  1. Finish college (fall 2012)
  2. Buy a house (this and the next one go hand in hand)
  3. Sell our trailer
  4. Start a family :love:
  5. Find a job with my college degree
  6. Try to blog at least 1 time a week that isn’t a picture post / auto post

I have some really big New Year Resolutions, here is to hoping I can at least get 3 of 6 of them. Which 3, finish college, start a career, blog more. . .well, okay 4, start a family. I really want that one. lol


Truly struggling

I have been wanting to blog for a few days but just haven’t had the time really. I just finished another semester of school. I believe I only have two more to go. I am still working but I did drop down to four days a week just because I wanted more time.

I am truly struggling with working, school and life. I don’t know how people manger to do it all plus be social or whatever else they want to do. I am terrible about balancing time. I don’t think it’s because I’m bad about losing time but I feel like I have no time to balance. I go to school from 12 – 3:40pm, I work 4 – 11:30pm. I also live a 45 minutes to an hour away. So I am gone most days for around 13 hours or more if I decide to go grocery shopping after work (thank the gods for Wal-Mart and Kroger 24-hours). I also have to find time to do homework, sleep, cook/eat, spend time with my husband and take care of house/animals. I have to say I do have a pretty amazing husband. He works also and goes to school. Most weeks are days off do not line up so we take turns with the house duties and the animals. We try to at least talk before bed and during our driving times. Text messaging is also our best friend.

I am very lucky to have a husband that does whatever that needs to be done around the house and he would must rather do it then wait and let me do it most of the time. I can’t thank him enough for all the support he gives me. I am less stressed now than I have been in the past doing just school or just work. He makes it all okay.

But I do find that my social life has taken a hit. My closest friends I never get to talk to just because our days off, or times we work or whatever doesn’t line up. I miss my friends. I have been trying to text or call to keep in touch but I am terrible about it. I am just so tired I would rather sleep than shower most nights. But I am enjoying my couple of weeks between semesters. I am going to enjoy the shit out of it. πŸ˜€

I hope to get a few projects done during that time. Blog more and spend time with my husband. :* Well, I do believe I am going to enjoy the dinner I cooked and watch some TV with the hubby!



I have almost failed already at this blogging everyday. :/ I waited until the last minute to blog.

We got up early, went to buy our marriage license, drop it off at my grandma’s so we didn’t misplace or dogs chew it up. lol πŸ˜€

I am so tired. Work has been crazy and busy. To many people want shit and no one wants to be nice ordering it.

It’s cold and my warm sheets are calling my name.


Little issues

Last night was terrible. I could not sleep to save my life. I was tired but just couldn’t sleep. I hate when that happens. I don’t think it was the Coke I drank because that had been with dinner and after that I drank water. I don’t know but it sure made it hard to get up today.

I have a few things today today around the house before I go to my grandmother’s house. I must do dishes, littler box and trash. I might also make my bed, because that always makes me feel better. Something about walking into a room with a fresh made bed, always makes me smile. πŸ˜€

Today was Kyle’s payday so I am paying bills this afternoon while he is at work. That way we know how much we have to work with for gas this next two weeks. We have school starting this coming week and he has to go back and forth to work. The downside is that the van Kyle was driving died. So, we are not a one car family which makes this really hard. But on the plus side, Kyle’s step-dad does live in BG where we go to school and Kyle works. That means I can hang at his house until Kyle gets done with work. It is going to be hard but we are looking at new cars. We only have around 3 weeks until we get our school money. They we can fix this little issue. I just hope that all the jobs I have applied for waits until I can get back and forward.

[Edit at 4:55pm] Today has turned out better then my night. I got all my house cleaning done. All bills paid that needed it. We are even going to do the yard tonight when Kyle gets home. All in all not a bad day. πŸ™‚

PS: I added the “like button” back to the side of the entries, Cammie. I hope that makes you a little happier!!