“Seducing me was almost as good as killing me, and nearly as crippling.” –The Killing Dance, Laurell K. Hamilton

Monday, I did nothing but go to school. Leave early because of some shit….(Long story don’t ask!) and go back to school and have band practice. Ronda picked Chris and I up.

Tuesday, I had to get up at 3:15 a.m. to be at the high school by 4:30 a.m. so I could march and play at the inauguration parade for the new governor. That was the first time for our band to ever do something like that. I was so proud to do something like that. 😀 The parade itself seemed about 7 miles long. But I could be wrong. It sure as hell felt 7 miles long. The way my feet hurt it so felt that long.

I hurt all over. We did get our band pictures back that day. Chris’s picture turned out so good. I guess mine did too. 😕

I have so much stuff to do this week. English is killing me. I swear. I don’t know if I can handle it anymore. I hate the class. I can NEVER do anything right for the teacher. I don’t know. I guess I need to just step back and breath. I might do that next week. LMAO

I don’t feel well at all right now. I guess it could be because I’m about to start my period or what. But I feel all moody and nothing seems to be going well. It has to be my period.

I have a few new smilies I need to add to B2 yet haven’t found the time. I have the ACT yet again this weekend. And Chris’s birthday is the 13th, also most weekends I go to my mom and dad’s house to visit them. So, I don’t have a lot of time to get online. I will try to get online sometime this Friday night.

Since Tony is on the road and Ronda can email him. She spends most the time online so, I can’t get on. 🙁

It’s okay…I guess the only thing I miss is my friends. Christina and Jenni!! I miss you both so much. I will try to email you guys ASAP, oh Christina I will try to get out your very LATE birthday card and small gift out ASAP as well. I have to make it to the post office sometime. Right? LOL

Anyway, I guess I better go.