Flu, not again

Well, Keith has the flu. He is so sick. Bless his heart. I just hope he starts feeling better. He is at work right now and has to work two hours over. But like he said he would rather work two hours over then work all day Saturday. Which I totally agree on. I want my hubby home!

We watched Saw last night. OMG! That was such a scary movie. :movie: It’s one of those movies that you could see really happening. Which makes it that much more scary. Keith and I both dreamed about that movie all night. I woke up around 7:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. It took me almost an hour and a half to get back to sleep. I know it felt like forever. Damn movie. It’s good. It is a movie that not everyone is going to like. I know I liked it.

I’m working on a new layout right now. But every time I get a new layout half way make. I look at it and decided I don’t like it anymore and delete it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I guess it is a layout block. I hate to say it but it is.

I guess I’m off. Time to pick up the house a little and to make some really kick ass layouts! ๐Ÿ˜€

7 thoughts on “Flu, not again

  1. Hey there :cute: Awesome site you have here :heart: I :heart: it! I love the layout aswell! Keep up the great work! :headphones:

  2. Jo says:

    A lot of people have been getting the flu lately. Thank god none of us here have. All I need is a sick baby ๐Ÿ™ I hope Keith feels better.

    I’ve never heard of SAW, but this is the second time someone has mentioned it. What is it about???

  3. I’ve never seen that movie and good thing because I like scary movies but then they start effecting me afterwards LOL. I get that whole layout block alot! I probably do about 10 before I put one up ๐Ÿ˜ก and then still don’t like the one I end up putting up ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

  4. Hey Rainbow,

    Aww, I hope Keith gets better soon. It must suck working while your sick. OH gosh, I watched Saw too, on friday and it was the most awesome movie ever. I couldn’t sleep at all. I had all the lights turned on in my room. That movie was sooo awesome, that puppet scared the crap out of me. Ugh, I hate having layout blocks..I hope you make something you like soon. Hope you’re safe and well. Chow!


  5. I just watched Saw this Friday… it was pretty creepy. The doll, the laugh.. ugh. And though I am someone who can usually see a twist coming a mile away, the one at the end was NOT something I expected.

  6. I always have layout block. Hopefully you’ll think of something soon! And OMG to Saw. I have not yet seen it yet, but im gonna buy it sometime this week. :secret:

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