We found Cheddar. Well, Nathan found Cheddar but still the same. He found her!! I was so glad. Keith and I felt such a load off out backs. :cute:
Keith and I went out to the movies :movie: today after we took Nathan to meet up with his dad. We went and seen Boogeyman. It was really good. It scared the crap out of me. But still the same good movie.
I had something else to say but I forgot what it was. Damn it! :dead: Oh yeah, Christine, I don’t mind at all to write a few step by steps for Gimp. I know gimp like the back of my hand. I’m that good. LOL I know; big ego. π³ I can’t help it. I use gimp all the time. I don’t use anyother graphics program. I might also put some of the patterns and brushes I have made to download. I am working on putting fonts on the site as well.
Oh yeah, before I forget. Anyone who leaves a real comment on my new guestbook will get their 468x60px banner on my site for life. π Yeah, I am in a very giving mood. Just leave the comment then, send me an email giving me your name, site name, banner URL, site URL. That’s it. Just leave a comment in the guestbook and send an email to me. π Lucky you, huh?
Boogyman looks scary, I wanna see it π
My banners already up, so I just thought i would comment anyway,
Aaron x
Awww I am glad you found your Cheddar π Happy Valentines Day!
heh boogyman looks scary but i still want to see it π i also want to see hide and seek allthough i will probally have nightmares for a night or two after :P.
You have a nice site, i like the skins, nice and simple :).
Hey Rainbow, π
Aww, you found chedder!! How awesome. This time, lets hope the little one doesn’t sneak off again..lol. I heard Boogeyman was scary..I mean when I see the previews, I get scared..lol! Thankyou so much for the tourials..I’m starting to get the hang of it but not a lot though, so this is going to help me a lot..thankyou soooo much!!! I hope you’re having a cool Valentine’s Day!!! Hope you’re safe and well. Chow!
yay for cheddar! that’s exciting.
happy v-day. i :heart: you and cheddar and keith! i send my love!!!
That’s a great new, Cheddar is safe in home now! π π
I hope we get that movie soon in theaters (before the next year at least).
Oh BTW thanks for that recommendation on GIMP! I’m trying to renew my programs now, and that one looks very interesting! π‘
I really wanna see boogeyman!
and I’m so glad you found cheddar, that was freaky.
P.S I wanted to show you this, and I’m lazy, so I’m posting the link here. click here!
I’m glad that Cheddar was found. π I’ve heard some good and bad things about Boogeyman. I’ll probably see it eventually.
Ooh I’ve been wanting to see Boogyman. I’m glad you enjoyed it π Happy late V-day!