I am trying to learn PHP. I know a little but I want to be able to write my own scripts. I have downloaded a web server for my computer, I’m downloading PHP Support for the web server now and I am reading/taking notes on any tutorial I can find. Right now, I am reading and taking notes at Tizag.Com. I have taken a few pages of notes already. I’m on if statements at the moment. YAY! ๐Ÿ™‚ The site is really good. I like it anyway.

I’m off to learn more dork stuff. Because I’m great like that. Wish me luck!

6 thoughts on “PHP

  1. Good luck on learnign some PHP. Personally, I thought it was hard at first, but it gets easier as you learn more. I test my scripts on my computer as well, but the only downside is that sometimes they won’t work like they’re supposed to. :grumpy:

  2. I’ve always wanted to learn more advanced PHP (I know the basics) and figure out how to skin my site. Good luck with all the PHP stuff! ๐Ÿ™‚

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