Guess who finally got an email from the Martini Lounge, that’s right me. I am one of the latest webmasters. I am so happy!!!! I was hoping I would get on but I was so scared that someone else would be better then me. I guess I did shine through.
Last night Keith and I hung out with Matt and Mandi. We had fun. We watched part of Sin City but had to leave in the middle because I was falling a sleep. I was so tired. :yawn: I came home and fell right to sleep. I didn’t really wake up until 9:30 this morning. Which means I sleep almost 11 hours. I think I was coming down with something. I have been feeling sick for a couple days now. Nathan is sick as well and I think I got whatever he has.
I also added that new section I was talking about in my last entry. You can find it under Visitor >> Random. I have about 80 more pictures to add but I thought add a few every once in a while and not try to over work myself. I have a lot of work this month to get done before September and I have to get my work done. No ifs, ands or buts. It has to be done. I have dead lines you know.
I forgot to say that a few days ago Keith gave me a thing of roses. It was so sweet. I just about cried. He is the most perfect husband. I love him so much. He always knows when I am feeling bad and he always knows how to make me feel better. :hearts: I love being married to this man.