Nightmare of social network icons?!?

Last week I had a horrible dream. It was crazy. I had been looking at tons of social network icons for days. One time I dreamed this social network icons was circles, kind of like pac-man. Well, these icons was chasing me down. Trying to eat me. Just like the ghost from pac-man.

Scary shit!! I woke up thinking I was being chased still. It took me a good minute to fall a sleep after that. Being chased by social network icons is scary and very weird.


The eye of the beholder

It’s all about perception. How we perceive things. How we perceive the situation. How we look at it from our point of view.

We all see things one way or another. How we look at something is why we do what we do in the end. Why we decide to move or pick our friends, the job we have. We all have reasons. In the end it is why we did what we did.

I can’t explain some of my actions over the years. All I can say is it was how I perceived the situation at that time. I did what I felt was right at that time. I wish I had more of an answer but I don’t. This upsets me to a point but all in all. I can’t take it back. I can try to make up for it. I can try to hope that when I am dead and gone and I am watching this movie called “Life”. I can laugh and realize their was a point to it all.

That my love didn’t die in vane. My thoughts and feelings was for no reason. That my ideas was there and meaningful. I hope in the end how I perceived things was everything that I had hoped for. That I couldn’t have asked for more.

Beautiful part

I was thinking about mine and Cody’s relationship. It’s odd. I really can’t make heads or tails of it but you know what it works right now. I’m not questioning it. I think about to this couple I work with and she said something that totally made since. They are always fighting about him talking or sitting next to a girl and he is doing the same about her sitting next to a guy. She said “We just work”. Simple as that. It just works.

On the plus side mine and Cody’s fights never entail who we are talking to or sitting next too. I have to say we really do just work. We get a long great now. We hardly ever fight and I know some fighting is normal with any couple. We really aren’t a couple. We are but we are not.

I like the fact we have limits but we don’t have labels. I like that he loves me. He has seen my worse and my best. My middle ground and my low. He still loves me. He may hate me at times but their is a fine line between love and hate.

I know none of this is making any logic but that is the beautiful part, it doesn’t have too. Simple put, I am truly happy right now. No questions ask.