Kyle: (comes into the office and goes) “Did you eat your crust of your pizza?”
Me: “No!” (I look and it’s gone). “I guess one of the cats or the dog got it.”
Kyle: “You need to get control of your animals!”
lol. I love him!
Kyle: (comes into the office and goes) “Did you eat your crust of your pizza?”
Me: “No!” (I look and it’s gone). “I guess one of the cats or the dog got it.”
Kyle: “You need to get control of your animals!”
lol. I love him!
Here while back on twitter I posted:
I can’t remember the last time I was this broke & at the same time I couldn’t tell you the last time I was this happy either.
And it hasn’t been truer. I have no job, living from Kyle’s pay check to his next and always waiting on school money it seems but I haven’t been happier. I love him so much. No matter what we have each other. It really is a nice feeling. We have food, a roof over our heads and clothes. We don’t go out and do a lot of things but we do do a lot of things together. Right now we are watching Weeds together every night. Trying to catch up on all of them. We are waiting on Dexter to come out. We sit in our office and play on the computer. We play games on Xbox or Wii. The little things mean more to me then going out every week end or something like that.You know?
Anyway, just a random post. Good night moon!
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About Me. hehe. XD Just a random post because I’m bored. I love those.
Okay, enough of random fact 101 of me.
Is he?