Wally World Time

I’m finally got up a new layout up here. I love it. The colors don’t seem to bright but just right. I love the rainbowish. Wait. . .that wasn’t a word. Oh, well.I finally got a round to adding a Photo Log. I also, finally got my response from The fan-listing, for my fan-listing Window’s Vista.

All I have to do is email them back saying it’s up. It’s been ready to go up for a month now. Just waiting on them to say approved. Got to love waiting.

I plan on waking Keith :love: in about 10 minutes. We need to make a trip to Wal-Mart to get a few things. I want some soup. I haven’t been feeling the best. :yuck:

Off to update some more on some random bits of the site.

PS: I love Spell check!!

Such a wonderful day

I finally had a good day. Thanks to a couple of people, one my husband. He just made me smile. Which I needed. Plus he got me some really good coffee. That is always a plus.

Then I went to the internet company and talk to them. A very nice guy finally was able to help me. Thank goodness he was able to help. I’m not totally sure what he did but THANK YOU!!! I’ve been in a great mood all day. I didn’t get much sleep but over all it was a good day. I got to hang out with Nathan, got to see Raymond and spend time with the hubbie!! It was great.

I also have my site back. That was one of the biggest things I needed to get done today. Finally! Thanks Josh from EBP! That’s my one shout out. lol

After everything started working on the site. I added a few plugins and added a few icons here and there, also a few scripts. I finally think everything is coming together. Now maybe a new layout. . .maybe not. I still like this one.

PS: BTW, I also joined the Qbee. Click the link and trade patches!! 🙂

So much to do

I have so much to do before I got to my mother’s house tomorrow. I still need to pack. I believe I got all the clothes clean that I wanted to take with me.The house is pretty much caught up. The dishes was almost all done but I cooked last night. :yum:

I’m working on CSS Skinning my site. It’s already done but I just haven’t had the chance to make a new style sheet. Almost done but yet again I don’t have the time. I have to be at work at 5 today and I don’t get off until 2am. I have to be back there around 10am the next day and then as soon as I get off work I get picked up. :yuck: I won’t have time to do anything.

I’ve given up

I swear I have given up making a new theme. Until I have had more sleep and more time to think about what I really want in a design, what looks good but also does it job. I can’t think on colors or anything. . .So, everyone is stuck with pink and gray. It isn’t to bad, I don’t think. I think it could be worse with bright lime green and yellow. LOL I would die if my site had those colors.

I worked today (Mon.) from 10am-5pm but I so totally didn’t want to go in because I had closed Sunday night. I didn’t even get home until 2:15am. 😮 I really hate this close one day be there around open the next but I have to do it for a while. I promised I wouldn’t quit until after October 20th.

I believe I’m going to get off and take a nice hot bath/shower and then get me a cup of nice green tea and cuddle with my baby. :love: