
A catch up

I have been wanting to update for the past week or so but I have been super busy. I worked four days last week, went to school two and was busy with my grandmother one day. Which took up every single day I had. I was busy doing homework and what not on my down time. I think I am getting the hang of working again plus school.

I started work April 1st and Kyle had a job interview that day as well. He got a job at Toys ‘R’ Us. We will be getting our first paychecks together on in the same week.

We also have been talking about looking to buy a house together. I own my trailer to sell it to have a down payment on a house. But we are not sure yet. We was just putting the ideas out there. We was trying to plan a head. Which I do way to much sometimes. Not always a bad thing but also I love to have results right now. I hate waiting for anything. And house searching and buy is a big thing and needs to have a ton of thought and a ton of waiting.


Random note: 002

Just a random thought, I love how Kyle makes me feel beautiful no matter what. Even if my hair is crazy and I have been drooling in my sleep and have food stuck to the side of my face he still sees the best in me. I don’t think I have ever been this happy before! <3 True love at it's best! Thank you Kyle for being such an amazing person!


2010 summed up

This year has been full of all kinds of emotion; happy, sad, overwhelming, depressed and a lot more. Full of ups and downs. At the start of the year I was suppose to get married to a military man someone I had dated for almost three years, turned out he cheated on me and left me two weeks before the wedding. Which has turned out to be one of the best things that could happen to me. At the end of May this all happen but great things followed.

In May my bff Cammie got to spend a fun filled three day weekend. I dated here and there over the summer but nothing came of it. I had a fun vacation with the family, started college in August then in October I went and spent a week with muh Cammie and then when I got back I started dating Kyle.

I finished my first semester of college with a 3.0, Kyle and I are still together. We are moving in together and we are so happy. I couldn’t think of a better way to end the year.

Yes, 2010 started out bad but I couldn’t think of a better way to end it. I’m completely happy and in love. Life couldn’t be better right now.


A lot of first

Originally uploaded by ibbanginghippos

This was our (Kyle and I) first Thanksgiving together. I am so happy at the moment and have been since we started dating. I haven’t been this happy in forever feels like but I know all the past hurt has been all leading up to something great, that something great being Kyle.

He is amazing. He just takes my breathe away. &heart; Anything and everything I need he is willing to do or try to do for me. I am so not use to it. He tells me he is going to have to re-program me. lol