“In the end it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” –Abraham Lincoln
Confucius wrote
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” –Confucius
Nothing is
“Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.” –Shakespeare
Friday 5: Alternate Uses
- A sticky note is supposed to be used for sticking notes temporarily to stuff. What’s a different way you’ve used a sticky note? I wrote passwords, how much I need to pay off or what people need to pay me for weeks at a time.
- Plastic cutlery is supposed to be used for moving food from a plate to your mouth a few times before being discarded. What’s a different way you’ve used plastic cutlery? I’ve kept plastic cutlery for lunches so I didn’t lose my “real” cutlery.
- Books are supposed to be for reading. What’s a different way you’ve used a book? Top hold up my Macbook, to keep a drink from leaving a ring on my table.
- A file folder is supposed to be used for holding and organizing important papers. What’s a different way you’ve used a file folder? I have put everything on my desk in it until I had time to deal with the paper work.
- A shoe is an article of clothing meant for wearing on a foot. What’s a different way you’ve used a shoe? To kill bugs, to let the dog have a chew toy. You know, normal stuff.
Puppy Love

Puppy Love: Spunky