This is so wrong. This is my fiance and his friend wearing cowboy hats. We joked they was the “gay” cowboys.
This is so wrong. This is my fiance and his friend wearing cowboy hats. We joked they was the “gay” cowboys.
3x Thursday — Warm & Fuzzy Feelings: List and describe 3 things that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
When we went out west, we visited an older women that had a range. This was her symbol she placed on the cattle.
3x Thursday – What Job. . .
1. What job would you like to do the most (pay doesn’t matter)? Web design. I love everything about it.
2. What job would you *not* like to do the most? Trash man, flip burgers. . .anything besides the above job.
3. What job would you like to try? Something in the business world. I love numbers. . . 🙂
Family: me & Raymond!