This is so wrong. This is my fiance and his friend wearing cowboy hats. We joked they was the “gay” cowboys.
This is so wrong. This is my fiance and his friend wearing cowboy hats. We joked they was the “gay” cowboys.
When we went out west, we visited an older women that had a range. This was her symbol she placed on the cattle.
Tonight the ex sent me a thank you text message for returning the last of his stuff to him. (It’s only been over a year since we broke up.) I bagged it up and gave it to his father. What I really wanted to do with it, was burn it and leave the ashes on his door step like he did mine during our first break up but I am a believer in karma. So, I did the right thing.
Does it still make me a bad person for thinking that? Or wanting to do that still?
He will remain a piece of shit for what he did to me. He left me used and broken. Tried to play me for a fool and I still was going to give him another chance. Something was wrong with me. . .and I see now what it was. He had me thinking I couldn’t live without him. His mistake. I could. I had a life before him and I will have a life after him.
I told someone the other day. Him cheating and leaving was the best thing he ever did for me. Why? Because it taught me that I can survive heartache like that. It taught me watch my step and don’t just give my heart away so easily. It changed me into a better person. It taught me more then I could ever put into words. And if he hadn’t left me. I would have never found Kyle.
Kyle is the most amazing, perfect other half if their ever was one. He has made me whole again and without him I would truly be lost. I am thankful everyday for him. I wouldn’t trade my past for anything. If I changed one thing, I wouldn’t be going to sleep every night in the arms of the man I love.
So, thank you Cody. Thank you for being a piece of shit and doing what you did. I truly mean that. I am grateful now for it. I am a better person because you weren’t.
White Sands
So much to blog about but so little time. Cammie will be there THIS Thursday. I can not wait. We have so much to do. We are getting inked the night she flies in. Then who knows what else. I am looking so forward to the end of this week.
Tomorrow is going to be a sad day. My great aunt Betty died Sunday morning sometime. I wasn’t super close with her but she was my grandmother’s sister. I need to be at the funeral home for her.
This week is full of happy and sadness. We all deal with death in our own ways. I hope my grandmother will be okay. It was her last remaining living sister. Which has to be even harder.