Black + White
Black + White: Photo A Day Challenge (Mr. Kitty getting done eating.)
Black + White
Black + White: Photo A Day Challenge (Mr. Kitty getting done eating.)
Looking down
Looking down: Photo A Day Challenge (Me sitting at a coffee shop with muh Cammie while visiting NY in 2010.)
Something you’re grateful for
Something you’re grateful for: Photo A Day Challenge (I know, I know it’s a picture of me! But I mean by this, is I am grateful for the life I have made for myself. I am grateful everyday for my husband and the people I have in my life. But I am most grateful for being a strong person. Never giving up!)
Vegetable: Photo A Day Challenge (Dinner one night. Stir fry!)
The last thing you bought
The last thing you bought: Photo A Day Challenge (An amethyst pendants from my works auctions. Price: $1.50. Didn’t do too bad!)