Hard to describe

I feel very mislead about a lot of things in the past weeks about a person I have been talking to. I don’t think this person wanted to mislead me but I feel that weather or not. I just don’t understand why. They act one way with me and then turn around and do something different. It’s really hard to describe it. I just feel so uncomfortable about the whole thing.

I really can’t come out and say what I’m talking about. I don’t want the whole world to know my life. LOL I have talked to this person a little bit and they said they are just stressed out before of so much going on. Well, don’t lead someone on to think one thing and do something totally different. I’m truly not mad about it. I’m just upset . . . hurt . . . mainly hurt.

I’m so tired I must be heading off to bed soon. I have to be at work a 11am and work till 10pm. Time to sleep . . . well, shower then sleep.

Soundtrack to my life

Taken from a myspace bulletin.

1. Open your library (iTunes, Amarok, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the ‘next’ button.

And here’s my soundtrack:

Opening Credits: “I drove all night” –Celine Dion
Waking Up: “Hanging By A Moment” –Life House
Falling In Love: “Pain Redefined” –Disturbed
Fight Scene: “Baddest Bitch” –Trina
Breaking Up: “Seeds Of Change” –Dragpipe
Making up: “Thank you for loving me” –Bon Jovi
Life’s Okay: “Celebrity” –Brad Paisley
Mental Breakdown: “Displaced” –Azure Ray
Driving: “My Neck, My Back” –Khia
Flashbacks: “I could not ask for more” –Sara Evans
Happy Dance: “In The Club” –50 cent
Partying: “Pretty Women” -Roy Orbinson
Regretting: “Where Were You (when the world stopped turning)” — Alan Jackson
Final Battle: “Batter Up” — Nelly
Death Scene: “Send Me On My Way” –Rusted Root
Ending Credits: “Swear It All Over Again” –West Life

I couldn’t have picked it better myself. :bow:

Time and Time again

I know I am such a slacker. I really have been thinking about updating this silly thing but I always forget or have so much to do I can’t remember. LOL 😳

Work has been going fine. Over all nothing has really changed. I did get a new tattoo but I took a couple pictures but none turned out good. I plan on trying to take good ones on my day off. When ever that could be. . .

My tattoo is of Betty Boop as a mermaid. Very pretty. My tattoo re-did the picture of her a little and make her the way I wanted her. The colors are so nice. I really love her.

I am so sleepy. :yawn: I have been getting around 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 hours a night. I normally need around 8+ hours a night. Plus I have been working tons of hours. :yuck:

This entry must be random. As I sit here reading over it, it is very random. I guess I’m great like that.

I have been talking to two of my friends of mine a lot a lately. One of them I have known for years. I really miss her. We have been talking more and more. I keep realizing why I loved hanging out with her. 🙂 Glad to know we still care about each other.

Well, I have been on the computer since I got home. Time to maybe get some sleep. :yay: