
New look

Rawrz has a new look thanks to a couple of people, first Rose for her awesome tutorial on WP comments, then Hannah with her new layout that gave me some of my ideas to make this layout and then I used Aisling font for the headers and what not. I love this font, it looks so much like my own. 🙂 Then also I used Yusuke icons. It has finally came together.

I think it turned out pretty good. Please leave your comments.


Random note: 002

Just a random thought, I love how Kyle makes me feel beautiful no matter what. Even if my hair is crazy and I have been drooling in my sleep and have food stuck to the side of my face he still sees the best in me. I don’t think I have ever been this happy before! <3 True love at it's best! Thank you Kyle for being such an amazing person!