Consequences of any misfortune

Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

It’s hard for me to read some peoples post about how much they love someone when I know the things they did to that person.

You don’t love someone if you cheat on them when they aren’t around. You might love the idea of them, you might even think you care about them but if you did, you wouldn’t do the things you have done. It’s not love. . .it’s they fact you have someone right where you want them. It’s using someone’s kindness in your favor like you always have. I have no respect for people that do this to people that has done nothing but do everything for you.

And don’t blame it on “drinking”. I was “drunk”! Bullshit! You know what you’re doing. Drinking isn’t a get out of cheating card!! Drinking doesn’t gives you an excuse! You just have poor judgement and need a reason to justify it!

/end rant

Far behind

Another school semester is coming to a start and I am not looking forward to it at all. I just want to be done already. Thank the gods, I didn’t go to a college for a 4 year degree, I would be really angry right now. ;-( I love the idea of school but I turned 26 in November and I feel like I should be already passed this part of my life. I should be working on my career already, not dealing with school. I feel like I am behind because I waited to go to college. Which makes in reality my age, most everyone is done with college and going out but I decided to be a late bloomer. Normal. This has always been my case. I just wanted to live, not worry about all the bullshit, but “wanting to just live” does not pay bills as much as I would like for it too. And I’m tired of not having a career.

I want that, I want to be on a 9 – 5 life. But as of right now, I am on a second shift job, school during the day and no time for anything. See where I am going with this. Ahhh! I just want to scream.

I feel so far behind. . .