The last thing you bought
The last thing you bought: Photo A Day Challenge (An amethyst pendants from my works auctions. Price: $1.50. Didn’t do too bad!)
The last thing you bought
The last thing you bought: Photo A Day Challenge (An amethyst pendants from my works auctions. Price: $1.50. Didn’t do too bad!)
Things I got done to things that still need to be done are kind of out weighing themselves out and I go back to work tomorrow. :/ Today (Dec 15th, I haven’t been to bed yet, so it still counts as today) was my husband’s birthday so I spent it with him, and we had two days off together so I just wanted to be around him since he works a lot of days and I work nights. I miss him so much. It’s the little things I miss. Like tonight, just falling a sleep in his lap. It was amazingly nice.
Things that got done on my past list:
Bad thing about that list is, that most of it needs to be done on a daily and I just don’t have enough time in the day to do it.
On a better note, Kyle and I get paid on the same night at the same time every two weeks. Makes paying bills a whole lot easier. I am pissed because I have paid everything that needs it and I was going to finally buy my second monitor for my computer. (I want duel screens to make working a little easier. My job has them and you never notice how much of a help it is when you are trying to multitask) but Wal-Mart won’t let me finish my damn order. Every time I try to login, it just shows the loading screen and then it won’t go to my cart and keeps repeating the cycle and then it won’t load a style sheet. Just really random shit. . . .Finally after 15 minutes of it doing that my order is placed. I know I shouldn’t have spent the money but I am getting paid for a web project that I’m working on and also for dog/house sitting for a friend while her and her family are gone for the holidays. Between those two extra “jobs” I can get it and have extra money left over.
Well, I guess since I have paid the bills and ordered myself something, it is time to head to bed. Kyle has to be up for work at 4am and I want to sleep next to him for a couple of hours before he heads out.
I am already loving working at ShopNBC. Everything that is seen on TV can’t be sold to customers, since it has been “used” on TV. There for they have an “ebay” style auctions for employees to bid on items. I had known about the auctions since my first week but didn’t really have the money to buy anything so I just didn’t look. Tonight I had a little extra money and I looked and bought.
First a Grand Suites 300TC Silk & Cotton Jacquard Seven-Piece Duvet & Sheet Set which is normally $197.00, I got it for . . . $18.75. That’s right! I can’t wait to get some nice sheet sets. 🙂 I got a Suzanne Somers Coral-Colored Rose Ring for Caroline as a Christmas gift normally $54.00, I got it for . . . $5.00. Then I got another Dream Oaks 600TC Egyptian Cotton Basketweave Embroidered Six-Piece Sheet Set for our bed. Normally cost $71.00, I paid $15.00. I spent a total of $38.75 I saved a total of $283.25. Can you believe that?
I think I am going to hit up the auction site a few more times before now and Christmas. If I can get all my gifts there. I can save a ton and get some really nice things for everyone. This job may save my ass this holiday.
Who needs black Friday when I can have black Friday every Friday? lol 😀 I really do like my job.
The most boring of days. I woke up, and I needed to go grocery shopping and pick up Kyle’s van. I woke up about an hour before I was being picked up by Kyle’s mom Cendy (my soon-to-be mother-in-law). Before she came to pick me up I did the few things I have been aiming to do. Like putting away three loads of clean clothes. Washing another load. I also made my bed and took a shower before she picked me up. I was on it this morning. We went to Wal-Mart and Kroger. It was a very nice day.
Tomorrow I call about my test results that I had done a week ago tomorrow. I have everything that can be crossed, crossed. I am hoping for the good but I am preparing myself for the worse. I try not to think like that but I can’t help it sometimes.
I also have a family meeting with Life Skills tomorrow with Caroline. She is 13 thinking she is 21. And she thinks she is an adult. Her actions speak so load. She is so much a child. She has no idea what she is doing to her life. But that is another time and place.
I love ebay. I really do. For many reason but today is because I ordered a cute Nook Color case on the 15th and the tracking number says it to be here tomorrow the 18th!! Awesome!! Good deal for $12.99. What is even more awesome, it was free shipping and I am still getting it that fast! 🙂