Missing him.

I have spent my lovely Friday night sitting at home doing nothing but watching the tv. Keith is at work. I am so glad he is off work this weekend. We get to have US time. I miss him so much. I think I realize how long he really is gone during work hours now because well, I’m a wake during those hours now. :frown:

I am now a moderator over at eXPOSURE. It’s pretty cool. I have spend about two hours just trying to knock down some of the pending members. I haven’t knocked down many but I am trying. I also filled out a form over at the Martini Lounge to become a webmaster. I hope I get the position. About 5 positions are open so I have a chance. *crosses fingers* I would really like to start making a little more money :money: from web design. I think I am doing pretty good but I also know I could do so much better. πŸ™‚ I have dreams too, you know? :lmao:

I called the hospital today to find out how much money we are going to have to fork out. Guess the total? Just guess. Your answer: $1,292.62. Yeah. :wow: That’s all I got. Is Wow. I mean, how are we going to pay that. I can’t believe how much health care is now. We go Wednesday to talk to someone in Financial Counseling Department. It’s crazy. They said since Keith has a lower paying job now that we might be able to get some of it payed for. Which would be so nice.

The weather seems to be finally clearing up nicely here. I was so tired of seeing rain. I like the sun. I really do. But on the other coin I know that we needed some rain. Everything was looking so dead. I like the green. I love summer. I really hate that it is going by so fast. It seems it just got this way. Before to long the cold is going to come back. :yuck:

I feel like I’m going to be sick

The the past couple days I have felt like I’m going to be sick. Not a little sick, but like I need to run for the bathroom. :yuck: I have been sleeping about 10-14 hours every night. I feel like I need it. If I don’t get that much I feel like I am going to fall a sleep in the middle of talking. Which has never happen to me. Man, the more days go by the more I believe I’m having a baby.

Thank you everyone who left such sweet and hopeful comments. It means a lot to me and my husband. I know a couple of you guys made the comment about how young I am. I know I’m very young but I know the older I get the harder it is to get pregnant and to take care of a child. My husband is 23 and is going on 24 in December. I’ll be 20 in November. So, we are not as young as soon mothers and fathers. I know that even though we are young, my husband will stand by me no matter what. I know that my husband would NEVER just drop his family to do what he wanted and I know that my husband would work himself to death to put food on the table for his family. I pray he would never do that (work himself to death) but I know he would.

I need to get off the rant. LOL Well, it really isn’t a rant but anywho. I have to go to Keith’s cousin, Rachel’s baby shower this Saturday. I kind of don’t want to go but I know I need to since I’m newest family member and it would be nice of me. We bought the baby sleepers and little Ts and a toy peep. The peep is my favorite thing. Its all cute and stuff. I think her baby is about 4 or 5 weeks old now.

I have decided to make our baby’s first blanket. I’m crocheting our baby’s blanket. I am using yarn that is purple, blue, light green, yellow and dark green and the colors flow right in to each other. I will have to take some pictures when I’m done. πŸ˜€ I am very proud of it. I know those colors can be used on either a boy or a girl. You know? I told Keith I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl as long as they are healthy and happy. That’s the important thing to me and he agrees. But deep down I know he wants a boy. What man doesn’t?

My headhurts!

My head has been hurting since I got up. :ouch: I think it might be because I slept a lot today. I couldn’t help it. I think the reason I slept that long was because I needed it. Most people the reason they sleep a lot is because they need it.

Thank you guys that left a comment on my last blog about liking the new layout. I really, really like it. I hope I can come up with another kick ass layout. I have a couple ideas going through my head and I think I might try working on those in a minute after I blog. I finally have Photoshop 7. I had been trying to download it forever and couldn’t because I’m on dial-up. Trust me, dial-up sucks! Christina mailed it to me, with a birthday card, a Christmas card, a hippo and some other stuff. Thank you, Christina. πŸ˜€

You know what, I think I have finally grew up a little in my blog. I use to love using smiles all the time. Now, it’s more about writing then drawing out a picture of my writing. You know what I mean. I’m not knocking using smiles. Because I still use them but not as much. I like having just little smiles. I think they don’t take away as much in my blogging. You know?

But anywho, tonight I’m going to cook potato soup for supper. I have been waiting potato soup forever it seems. And finally I have found a soup Keith will eat. You see, the only thing Keith will eat is meat and potatoes. I swear. He won’t touch a vegetable except potatoes. How crazy is that? I love vegetables. I don’t get him sometimes. LOL :cute: I love him to death but I just don’t get him.

I don’t want to get up, mommy!!

I will be updating this tomorrow when I get up. New layout. And I am going to try to update all of the skins but at least put one skin up. Only one skin at the moment. More to come once I get out of this layout block.

I haven’t updated my blog because I got sick. Damn cold!!! I hating being sick. I just laid around all weekend and slept A LOT.

I’m off to get in the shower. Yay, warm water. Kinky, I know!! *thinks to self* I’m not sure how warm water is kinky. But for me, it is. *laughs* πŸ˜‰ I’m great like that.

More when I get up. πŸ˜€

Flu, not again

Well, Keith has the flu. He is so sick. Bless his heart. I just hope he starts feeling better. He is at work right now and has to work two hours over. But like he said he would rather work two hours over then work all day Saturday. Which I totally agree on. I want my hubby home!

We watched Saw last night. OMG! That was such a scary movie. :movie: It’s one of those movies that you could see really happening. Which makes it that much more scary. Keith and I both dreamed about that movie all night. I woke up around 7:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. It took me almost an hour and a half to get back to sleep. I know it felt like forever. Damn movie. It’s good. It is a movie that not everyone is going to like. I know I liked it.

I’m working on a new layout right now. But every time I get a new layout half way make. I look at it and decided I don’t like it anymore and delete it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I guess it is a layout block. I hate to say it but it is.

I guess I’m off. Time to pick up the house a little and to make some really kick ass layouts! πŸ˜€