Sleeping Q-Tip
Sleeping Q-Tip
Wow, just wow. That is all I have. I am so tired. Saturday during all the bad storms we had. My mom got hurt. She thought she broke her foot or at least hurt it really, really bad. Tried working on it Monday, well, but that evening. It was a total fail. Around 6ish mom calls me back to her house to take her to the ER. We didn’t get out until 2am. WTF? 🙁 Her foot isn’t broke a plus but still angry about having to wait that long.
I was so tired. I went to work just long enough to finish the book I was working on. Then I was so tired I started to blank out. I came home and went back to bed. I have felt like crap all day. I am looking forward to going to bed tonight.
I also finally got my book in from Amazon, The Virgin Suicides. I loved the movie. And so far, the movie seem to be pretty faithful to the book. Which makes me happy. 🙂 I am going to finish my pizza from Subway. Then head to bed. Night world.
8 days until my Cody James comes home. I am so happy.
After 3 days of working on different ideas and themes. I have done it. I have made a new one. I like the colors and style of it. I have made about 3 or 4 different themes and ended up trashing all of them before I even got half way done. I just got sick and tired of looking at it before I even posted it. lol That is bad.
I guess the next thing on my list of things to do around Geek Talk is to update wordpress. Since I have a couple plugins that hate me right now.
I slept most of the evening yesterday and now I have been up all night. I have finally messed up my sleeping patterns. 🙁 I am going to go lay down next to Cody for a couple of hours. Mom is going to be here around 10ish to pick me up so I can go to the doctor with her and Meadow.
Last week I had a horrible dream. It was crazy. I had been looking at tons of social network icons for days. One time I dreamed this social network icons was circles, kind of like pac-man. Well, these icons was chasing me down. Trying to eat me. Just like the ghost from pac-man.
Scary shit!! I woke up thinking I was being chased still. It took me a good minute to fall a sleep after that. Being chased by social network icons is scary and very weird.
I swear I did it again. I laid down around 10 or so. Napped. Got woken up. And now I can’t sleep. I am going through my old fanlisting I joined and editing them. Weeding out the dead links and using a script this time to keep up with them.
I plan on finishing that up and then adding the last month of blog entries then maybe trying to re-lay down. Sleep sounds good but I can never sleep.
Oh, yeah. I almost forgot I also got my lip pierced. :yay: Pictures to come. Maybe.