Double Rainbow
Double Rainbow
Snow, snow and more snow. I am sick and tired of cold weather. College is starting the 11th of this month. I am looking forward to it because of the money. lol 😀
I’m working on a new layout for here. I finally got the tumblr style to work, now to style everything and post more.
This entry is short but sweet. Good night world.
Happy birthday to muh Kyle. He turned 22 today. I already gave him his gifts days ago. . .well, right at a week ago because I can’t wait for anything. lol. I want to cook him a good dinner tonight and maybe a cake.
Also, on this great day the weather man is giving an ice storm. YAY! I hope Kyle makes it over before it starts. I don’t want to be snowed/ice stormed in without him here. lol
We also got to pick up our puppy yesterday evening. He is doing great. He is super smart. Already using puppy pads. 😀 We are very proud of him.