
Over all

I am super tired but that’s because well, I don’t have a reason besides normal life. I have been on the computer for hours today and all I have done is goofed off and not one thing of homework. Normally I need to do a little homework every night to stay on track, not even ahead. πŸ™

On the plus side, I do start work Friday. I am happy about this but on the other hand, I feel like I will never stay a head or on track with school but I have to do what I got to do.

I am trying to edit tags and place ones together, like college and BGTC. And I am moving old entires over. It’s taking a bit, since I have to place them in categories and some I have to edit tags. Not that big of a deal it just takes a lot of time.

I wanted to write a small entry and catch up. Maybe tomorrow I will do homework. . . Yeah right. πŸ˜€ I am going to try to talk Kyle in to a shower then cuddles.


Homework that never ends

I swear this week has been the week of homework that never ends. I started one of my courses last week. It’s only an 8 week course so it has a lot going on in a short amount of time. It’s a networking class which makes it way sucker because well, I don’t like the networking part but my college thinks I need to take a couple networking classes to get my degree in Web design, so here I am in this course. It really is an easy class, just a lot to do. A lot of boring stuff to do. I’m already tired of the class and it is only my second week. Thank god, it’s online and I can do it as slow or as fast as I want. And it helps that my boyfriend (the amazing Kyle <3 ) is a Networking major. On to other things, we have been doing so much around the house lately. We have done small projects but they are really adding up. Okay, let me rephrase that. Kyle has been doing a lot of projects. I helped a little but he has done more then me. We finished placing rocks around the trailer to make a flowerbed this spring. πŸ˜€ I can not wait! Then he fixed stairs so now we can get up and down off our pack deck. We also picked up the yard and moved a dog house over from my parents house for Possum. All this week. And it is only Wednesday. I have to say this year has been a good year so far. I am very happy with the house, Kyle and even my brother is been doing better. Working and everything. Life is pretty good.


House full of love

I have a house full of people and I couldn’t be happier. They drive me insane sometimes but over all I am super happy about it. I have Caroline (age 13) and Meadow (age 10) plus Chance (age 3) tonight. We had family night. Watched movies and had dinner. The kids have been here since noon. I do enjoy having the house full sometimes. I love the fact that Kyle is okay with having all my family here.

I am still waiting on work to call me in to start working. They still haven’t got my drug test back. Not sure why. I have to call my work Monday again and see what is going on. If they want me to take another one I can. Not sure what is going on with that. I would love to start work soon.

Well, it’s late and I need to finish getting the kids in bed. Night world. BTW, did you look at the super moon tonight?


Job and LEEP

I finally got a job. I am so happy. I got a job at Krystal as a morning manger. I will be making $9.50 an hour and it’s part time which works out great.

And yesterday I had my LEEP done. I am in some pain but over all it isn’t to bad. On the plus side I am on Spring Break. πŸ™‚

Life is good. Simply simple.


Job hunting

I have been job hunting for the last few weeks or so but I have really put it into over drive in the last few days. I want to find something before we run out of school money and don’t have anything to fall back on. Not that we are a few dollars of running out of money but it would be nice to not get that way. I enjoy not working but I am a big girl and I know I need too. On the plus side we don’t have rent or anything like that due to the fact I own my trailer. That helps a ton.

But the normal bills do get heavy at times, electric the last three months have been $225+, water which is around $25, cable/internet $83 a month and lot rent which is $75 a month. SO really are bills aren’t to bad. That doesn’t include mine or his cellphone since that is daily living bills or car insurance.

I know it will be hard to work part time and go to school full time but I do have Kyle now and that makes all the difference in the world. πŸ™‚ He is amazing about helping here. He does all the dishes and all the trash which includes the litter box. And I do laundry and vacuuming and what not. It’s a pretty even trade. He also will be taking care of the lawn this year. That in itself will totally be nice. πŸ˜€ I am so thankful I have him. It makes this life thing a little easier when you share some of the pains of life with someone.

Anyway, I need to do my other web page project for school. I already did my Database homework. Kyle is working on the Excel homework. Which sucks because the harder of the three. But like I said, we share in the pain of life and that includes school.