Like the title says, I’ve finally started doing something to this site because I’m great like that. I have put up a new layout, upgraded my guestbook to BellaBook 3.1. I need to make a new layout for it but I want to get a few more things done around here first. I have downloads I want to add (fonts, scripts, icons) first. I want to work on re-writing my page about me, working on the domain page and my soul mates page. I want to start that tomorrow. Crossing my fingers on getting it done.
Someone asked me if I wrote the song from the last entry. No, I wished I did. 😆 But nope, someone else did. I just really loved the song so much I wanted to post the lyrics. I jumped up and down when Keith played it for me. I :heart: hippos!
I left Jem a comment saying that I would plug tutorialtastic today because she plans on updating most of the site. 🙂 So, I’m pluging it. That’s also why it’s being plugged at the top of my entry. Like that girl needs more hits.
I’m so glad I’m off Friday (today) and Saturday. I need them. I have been so tired. I feel like I have been going and going. I am so getting some much needed R & R and web design counts as R & R. You can’t make me think other wise.
I hope you had a wonderful few days off from work. Is there any more time coming your way? Sounds like you could use more to make up for all the time you didn’t have off when you first started.