I have tried to update some. I haven’t really had time. As of Sunday I will have worked 55 hours. I’m very tried. I also have to finish packing my stuff. I still have stuff at my other apartment. I must finish that before the first.
I have put off way to much. I can’t help it. This month has been so busy but I have got almost everything moved.
As soon as I can get my camera hooked up to my computer I will try to get some pictures uploaded. I have tons of shots I want to get up. My gallery is looking very lonely.
As to my last post. I am feeling a lot better. I have been thinking and spending time with the people I need too. I think I am becoming whole again.
I just missed you *gah* Start staying up later on thursday nights lol. *hugs*
Well, you’re not the only one with a neglected Gallery page. Actually, one of my regular readers just commented that my “gallery was orphaned and crying”.
And as for feeling better, I hope it continues to be like that for you for a while. 🙂
It’s so nice to finally get everything put in their places. I’m sure once you are all settled life will be a little more bareable.