This is a long time coming. I have been dying to update the site and I have finally found the time to do it.
I’m fixing to wake Keith up, see if we can go get something to eat or if I can fix us something. :food: I am for real needing to get something to eat. I haven’t really ate much of anything in the last 18 hours.
BTW, I finally got around to uploading my latest tattoo. I know, I got it in Nov. and just now uploading images. I’m smart like that. . .LMAO 🙂
Ah! Nice tattoo 😀
Why do I have the strangest feeling that our lives are running kind of parallel to each others…? Weird, huh? I hope you got something to eat; I don’t think that’s too healthy to go that long without eating anything. I could never do that, unless I was sleeping!
Hey lady! I’m off tonight so I am going to try & stay awake to call you … I’m going to the dentist so I will probably sound funny as hell :bow:. It’s funny that I have the glossary plugin sitting on my computer to install lol.
HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!! Er um back to my regularly scheduled program … digging out a foot of snow. Love ya!