You ever feel like

You have forgot something and not sure what it is. I feel that way today. I have really enjoyed my day off. Next week my days off are messed up due to having to go to the Doctor with Meadow. And switching shifts from 1 – 10 to 12 – 9. Wait, maybe I switch this week to 12 – 9. Not sure. Most likely should call tomorrow.

I have a headache. Just got home not to long ago. I think I am going to lay down and watch some TV at my house for once. lol 🙂

Special dinner

I’m home tonight. Very nice. I am very tired but happy to be here. I do miss him very much. I will be dreaming of him.

Last night was very fun. I haven’t been out with friends in forever. I went bowling. Dollar night at the bowling ally. We played two rounds. I lost very badly but enjoyed myself like you wouldn’t believe.

I have to work on V-day but that’s okay. That night I’m cooking a very special dinner for Cody. Maybe getting a chick flick and a bottle of wine. Sounds very nice. A nice dinner at my house. I need to do some cleaning around here for tomorrow night but totally worth it. 🙂

I am so happy right now. Tired but very happy.

Sleep, who needs it

I swear I did it again. I laid down around 10 or so. Napped. Got woken up. And now I can’t sleep. I am going through my old fanlisting I joined and editing them. Weeding out the dead links and using a script this time to keep up with them.

I plan on finishing that up and then adding the last month of blog entries then maybe trying to re-lay down. Sleep sounds good but I can never sleep.

Oh, yeah. I almost forgot I also got my lip pierced. :yay: Pictures to come. Maybe.

Amazing. Just amazing.

I have been putting off updating. Not sure why. I have been busy behind the set here at Geek Talk and I have been posting old entries from 2003 and 2004. I’m not missing to many months of entries from 2002 to 2009. I mean, wow. I have been blogging that long. Amazing. Just amazing.

So many domains and sub-domains. Faded-Stars.Org,, Crazy–Talk.Org and now Geek-Talk.Us. Just amazing. I have been blogging for ever man. I like that fact I have those entries. I may not like what I read but it is still life. It still happen to me. I suck at keeping a real journal but this, this has been true to me. I don’t care about comments. Don’t get me wrong I love getting them but that’s not why I blog. I blog just for the pure and simple fact I like to write. It’s life. One step at a time.

Well, I am off. Time to work on projects.

PS: Join fanlisting of New Super Mario Brothers for DS: and Stuffed Hippos fanlisting:

Amazing. Just amazing.

I have been putting off updating. Not sure why. I have been busy behind the set here at Geek Talk and I have been posting old entries from 2003 and 2004. I’m not missing to many months of entries from 2002 to 2009. I mean, wow. I have been blogging that long. Amazing. Just amazing.

So many domains and sub-domains. Faded-Stars.Org,, Crazy–Talk.Org and now Geek-Talk.Us. Just amazing. I have been blogging for ever man. I like that fact I have those entries. I may not like what I read but it is still life. It still happen to me. I suck at keeping a real journal but this, this has been true to me. I don’t care about comments. Don’t get me wrong I love getting them but that’s not why I blog. I blog just for the pure and simple fact I like to write. It’s life. One step at a time.

Well, I am off. Time to work on projects.

PS: Join fanlisting of New Super Mario Brothers for DS: and Stuffed Hippos fanlisting: