Yesterday I drop Cody off to get on a bus to leave for basic training. OMG! I didn’t think I would miss him so much. I’m not crying every minute. I don’t think I have cried but once or twice. It was late. I was lonely. You know how it is. 🙁
I am sure as the weeks go on, it will be easier. I am just so use to him being there laying next to me. Mr. Kitty stayed in the bedroom with me last night. Made it a little easier.
I am just catching up on laundry and picking up my room a little bit today since I start work tomorrow. I haven’t worked in almost a year. I know the first couple of days are going to be hard to get use to since I am on days. Which is a plus, really. Just not use to getting up at 7am. I am sure once I do that a couple days I will feel great. Seeing day light and all. 🙂
Well, the first load of laundry is done and now I need to start the other load. Yay for house cleaning.