Dancing Clouds
Dancing Clouds
I love ebay. I really do. For many reason but today is because I ordered a cute Nook Color case on the 15th and the tracking number says it to be here tomorrow the 18th!! Awesome!! Good deal for $12.99. What is even more awesome, it was free shipping and I am still getting it that fast! 🙂
So many things to talk about. Where do I start. . .umm. . .well, Oral Communications is going okay, not sure how I feel about it but it’s okay. I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. I think I am doing okay in the class far as a grade but I really don’t know because I don’t have anything graded.
I am selling my netbook and my nook so I can buy a nook color. I am in the process of being without the netbook now. I kind of miss it but since summer started I have picked it up maybe twice. Not a big deal. Just something else to keep track of.
I had a job interview today at 1pm for ShopNBC. It is another call center but I am hoping it is different than AFNI. I know it does pay more. It starts out at $10.20 hourly + more if you have worked in a call center before. 😀 Which I have. They said they will call or send you a letter letting you know one way or the other. But I have good faith. My friend Lance that I worked with at AFNI is a trainer there and said he put in a really good word for me. *crosses fingers* He said he already put his approve on it. Which is awesome. It is 3:30 – Midnight. That works out great, I get out of class around 2:50pm during the fall. I am going to be tired but we could really use the money. I know it’s only part-time. All I really wanted anyway. Kyle’s check is enough to pay the bills so I don’t have to work but it doesn’t really leave anything extra for us. So, I want to help us out. I am truly looking forward to getting a paycheck again.
Well, I worked on a project for a friend already, I looked up school info for another friend that doesn’t have internet. I went shopping for groceries and had a job interview. I am tired.
PS: I also love the new dashboard for WP. Very nice. Random.
Goodnight world. Have a lovely night.