Sometimes I feel like my infertility makes me a terrible person because I hate looking at social media and seeing everyone pregnant or just had a baby and I just want to de-friend each and everyone of them. I truly want to be happy but I have so much hate because they each one of them has the only thing I truly want. The one thing that I want to complete my family is the one thing I can’t get.
I am going under treatment for my infertility and I still haven’t got pregnant yet. I have only taken the Clomid only one cycle but my doctors told me not to take it this month since Kyle hasn’t had a chance to go to the urologist (Kyle has a low sperm count and we don’t know why since all his blood work came back normal). His appointment is at the end of this month, once he does that we find out his problem we go from there. I am so sick and tired of dealing with it out.
Why can’t it just happen? Why can’t I be the one? Why can’t I just be happy for everyone? I am so tired.