I have been thinking about getting a new car for about 6 months. Main reason I have had my car for almost 130,000 miles. Many road trips and since 2007. I love my car don’t get me wrong I’ve had some great times but I feel like its time to upgrade. I need something with a little better gas. I am looking at a Ford Focus; 4 door; 4 CL. So it’s a small car but a little roomy. It’s a 2011, with less than 15,000 miles. Downside they want $10,000 for a car. I think in the long run it would be a good car and worth the money. I’m just not sure if I can get a car loan since I just started my job and Kyle just got the house loan in his name. I plan on going to the bank Friday and talking to them. I can only see. You never know until you try.
Daily life
Nose pierced

Finally got my nose pierced.
Finally got my nose pierced yesterday. I <3 it!

Taken with iPad on Easter 2013
Today has been a long day. I’m tired. Still pissed about Erika being pregnant & me not being. On top of that I had to be around her due to the fact it’s Easter. Cendy grilled out for dinner & everyone was there visiting.
The grilled food smelled like happy. Note to self: most get a grill.
Happy June everyone!
Happy June everyone! I can’t believe it is already June. . .I doesn’t seem like time should be going this fast.
I’m waiting on mine and Kyle’s paychecks to hit the bank so I can pay all of our bills due. Then I was planing on going to bed but I’m not sure yet. I’m wrapping up my 4 days off and not sure how I want to end my days off.
I did just finish all my core classes for my degree and learned some really neat PDO stuff for PHP but I don’t know how I want to use it. I did also find the book Learning PHP Data Objects A Beginner’s Guide to PHP Data Objects, Database Connection Abstraction Library for PHP 5. I started reading over it. I know some of the information it is teaching but I thought either way it would be a good read.
Well, time to check the bank accounts again.
I need to get it together
Things I must do; I really want to move all my entries from all my blogs, including the ones from back in 2000 over to EverNote just because. That way I have them, but I don’t have to go “live” with them. If I don’t want too. Also, I want to move start keeping better notes over all. I think maybe getting a real laptop, not a netbook might help this. I don’t even know. I have been wanting to blog for days but have had the time or energy to really do it.
Also, I finally have enough knowledge to start writing some simple PHP scripts, but I don’t know what to use them for. I fail. Every project I want to do has a script already. But maybe I could write one for my. . .wait, no. . .shit. Lost my thought all together. Don’t you hate when that happens?!?
Blah!! I have felt blah for a few days. Not sure what’s wrong. You ever just get that feeling like something bad is going to happen or something. Yeah, I feel that way.
PS: I get to see Alex tomorrow then this weekend I get to go to his birthday. He turns 6. I can’t believe he was just 4 when me and Kyle got together. Life is happening so fast around us. I miss that kid so much at times.