I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don’t want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don’t think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won’t have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,
that’s the easy thing to do

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too

Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegeterian

There’s lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I’d feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage

I can see me now on Christmas morning,
creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise
when I open up my eyes
to see a hippo hero standing there

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too!

Google is my friend

Friday Five I thought I should post about what I have been doing for the past week. Work, playing Mario VS Donkey Kong and playing with my new phone. I also have been working on a few of my pages and a new layout. I hope to have it up after this entry. It still has a lot of work but I want to put up something new. πŸ˜‰ I’m getting tired of using light colors. I’m in the mood for something a littler darker. I keep also trying to find out how to edit my LJ layouts the way I want them. Maybe I need to search google. Google is my friend. πŸ™‚

Like always I wanted to do the Friday Five. I love doing these but I never to seem to really update on Fridays. Well, I am now.

  • 1.) Do you believe in God or a higher power? Yes.
  • 2.) Are good and evil just concepts, or real powers in the universe? Yes.
  • 3.) What is your view on forgiveness? Forgive and forget. . .sometimes.
  • 4.) Do organized religions do more harm than good? Depends.
  • 5.) If you had a day to spend playing God, what would you do? Clean up the world. No more war, no more hate, no more sickness, no more hungry children/anyone. Just happy moments for everyone.

I was suppose to be off tomorrow (friday. . .today for some, tomorrow for me) but yet again I open my month and said I would work it. I’m only working 5pm to 8pm. Nothing to bad. Just three hours. I can handle that. πŸ™‚

Keith should be getting back soon from picking Nathan up from work. Then when he gets back Keith and I have to finish watching a movie.

I was reading email when. . .

I am just terrible at updating this thing anymore. I updated twice in one day and then the next I don’t update for a week or longer.

Last night Dewayne and I went to the next town over so he could meet Kim. I think it went off well. They traded numbers so that is always good thing. I think Kim and Dewayne both need someone sweet and caring. . .maybe they can find it in each other. I know I felt that way with Keith. I knew I needed someone for me and he was it.

I just got off work a few minutes ago. I started this blog entry this morning but didn’t finish it. I’m great like that.

I just checked my email I had a an email left from my contact form from someone named “one mean person” (12.36.238.#) and the comment noted “your still a whore “. I’m not sure how I am this but okay. I’m married and have been married to Keith for over a year now. Been with Keith for almost two years and I’m a whore. :wtf: I wonder if this could be someone jealous of how happy Keith and I are or the fact that they wish they had what Keith and I have. Whatever the case I find it funny they won’t leave their real name just “one mean person“. Okay, you called me a whore, this is mean how? “Oh, my feels are hurt.” *note sarcasm here” :lmao: I crack myself up.

I’m off to put clothes away. I have two baskets of clean clothes sitting in my living room. . .it is time to put them away. πŸ˜€

Thank you

Thank you everyone for your sweet and caring comments. I still feel very different inside and out. I look at how my body was changing and how it went back to normal and think “WOW! I had something living inside of me. I had a living being growing inside of me.” I feel just blessed knowing that I can get pregnant, that I had that moment of happiness growing inside. I know that sounds odd to say after what happen but I have to think on the bright side, right?

Early Friday morning around 4 am or so before Keith and I went to bed. I just cried. I cried for a long time. I had to get it out. I felt a little better after I got it out not back to normal but a little better.

I put the baby blanket away. I can’t stand even looking at it, let alone working on it. I told Keith when I get pregnant again I would finish it then but not now. It’s way to soon. I almost come to tears when ever I look at baby stuff or past by a little baby. I know I should get over this but I can’t yet. It is going to take time and I know that, Keith knows that. It’s just so hard. πŸ˜₯

WOW! It is getting late. I made Caroline’s birthday cake earlier today. She wanted a purple cake with blue icing on it for her 7th birthday. So, I made it for her. She turned 7 on the 16th of this month. Mom just decided to have her party tomorrow today. Easier to have it on Sunday then a week night, you know?

Well, I think I am going to head off to bed. I am getting tired :yawn: and I have to get to mom’s house early to help set stuff up for the party.

My headhurts!

My head has been hurting since I got up. :ouch: I think it might be because I slept a lot today. I couldn’t help it. I think the reason I slept that long was because I needed it. Most people the reason they sleep a lot is because they need it.

Thank you guys that left a comment on my last blog about liking the new layout. I really, really like it. I hope I can come up with another kick ass layout. I have a couple ideas going through my head and I think I might try working on those in a minute after I blog. I finally have Photoshop 7. I had been trying to download it forever and couldn’t because I’m on dial-up. Trust me, dial-up sucks! Christina mailed it to me, with a birthday card, a Christmas card, a hippo and some other stuff. Thank you, Christina. πŸ˜€

You know what, I think I have finally grew up a little in my blog. I use to love using smiles all the time. Now, it’s more about writing then drawing out a picture of my writing. You know what I mean. I’m not knocking using smiles. Because I still use them but not as much. I like having just little smiles. I think they don’t take away as much in my blogging. You know?

But anywho, tonight I’m going to cook potato soup for supper. I have been waiting potato soup forever it seems. And finally I have found a soup Keith will eat. You see, the only thing Keith will eat is meat and potatoes. I swear. He won’t touch a vegetable except potatoes. How crazy is that? I love vegetables. I don’t get him sometimes. LOL :cute: I love him to death but I just don’t get him.