
Happy 22nd Birthday

Originally uploaded by ibbanginghippos

Happy birthday to muh Kyle. He turned 22 today. I already gave him his gifts days ago. . .well, right at a week ago because I can’t wait for anything. lol. I want to cook him a good dinner tonight and maybe a cake.

Also, on this great day the weather man is giving an ice storm. YAY! I hope Kyle makes it over before it starts. I don’t want to be snowed/ice stormed in without him here. lol

We also got to pick up our puppy yesterday evening. He is doing great. He is super smart. Already using puppy pads. 😀 We are very proud of him.


If we can’t agree, we can agree to disagree. Or we can do this:

Someone who cuts will never understand the pain his/her friends feel.

Someone who tells his/her friend to cut will never understand why they can’t stop.

Someone who got an abortion will never understand why it was such a big deal to the pro-lifers.

Someone who is a pro-lifer will never understand the hard choice the woman had to make to get the abortion.

Someone who is homosexual will never understand why “it’s not right”.

Someone who says “it’s not right” will never understand that love is love.

Someone who is addicted to drugs will never understand why his/her friends won’t leave them alone.

Someone who is trying to get their friend off drugs will never understand the strong addiction.

Someone who is heartbroken will never see that the relationship needed to end.

Someone who broke a heart will never understand what it felt like to lose the relationship.





Originally uploaded by ibbanginghippos

Here is mine and Kyle’s new dog, Spunky. We get to pick him up Wednesday after he gets fixed. I can’t wait to get him. So, cute! We got him from the Humane Society. We saved a life. 😀

Anyway, this is a new domain. I am using a pre-made from the great Rose. She is amazing. I love the simple design. It works until I have one made. I have started but I have to get use to designing WP again.


A lot of first

Originally uploaded by ibbanginghippos

This was our (Kyle and I) first Thanksgiving together. I am so happy at the moment and have been since we started dating. I haven’t been this happy in forever feels like but I know all the past hurt has been all leading up to something great, that something great being Kyle.

He is amazing. He just takes my breathe away. &heart; Anything and everything I need he is willing to do or try to do for me. I am so not use to it. He tells me he is going to have to re-program me. lol