Weekend Woes

I hate riding in a car for a hour just to see family members that I don’t feel like seeing. I love my family and Keith’s family but damn! I want Keith and Rainbow time. But I shouldn’t bitch, we are spending a lot more time together. Yay, for hubby time. *dances* 😳 I guess that’s the only reason for woes. I don’t really have woes for anything else besides the normal.

New subject, I suppose. I put in a application to be a staff member at the hatelistings.net. I hope I get picked. I haven’t really ever been a staff member for someone else. Trust me, I have the time.

The weather has been so messed up in the past couple of days. Yesterday it was at least 50F outside and the sun :sun: out. Today and tonight has been getting colder and went from rain :rain: to suppose to snow tonight. WTF? Everyone is going to get sick again, including me. I just got over being sick a week ago. Damn weather.

Keith will be home in a little while. I am making supper. I made shake-n-bake pork chops and bake potatoes. I love pork chops. One of my favorite foods ever. I am so glad I can cook.

I suppose a short entry tonight. I’m not sure why. I don’t feel like a writing mood. Well, not words anyway. I’m in a code (HTML) writing mood. Which is good. I’m working on a new layout. Something simple but wonderful. Got to love getting out of a layout block.

My headhurts!

My head has been hurting since I got up. :ouch: I think it might be because I slept a lot today. I couldn’t help it. I think the reason I slept that long was because I needed it. Most people the reason they sleep a lot is because they need it.

Thank you guys that left a comment on my last blog about liking the new layout. I really, really like it. I hope I can come up with another kick ass layout. I have a couple ideas going through my head and I think I might try working on those in a minute after I blog. I finally have Photoshop 7. I had been trying to download it forever and couldn’t because I’m on dial-up. Trust me, dial-up sucks! Christina mailed it to me, with a birthday card, a Christmas card, a hippo and some other stuff. Thank you, Christina. πŸ˜€

You know what, I think I have finally grew up a little in my blog. I use to love using smiles all the time. Now, it’s more about writing then drawing out a picture of my writing. You know what I mean. I’m not knocking using smiles. Because I still use them but not as much. I like having just little smiles. I think they don’t take away as much in my blogging. You know?

But anywho, tonight I’m going to cook potato soup for supper. I have been waiting potato soup forever it seems. And finally I have found a soup Keith will eat. You see, the only thing Keith will eat is meat and potatoes. I swear. He won’t touch a vegetable except potatoes. How crazy is that? I love vegetables. I don’t get him sometimes. LOL :cute: I love him to death but I just don’t get him.

Flu, not again

Well, Keith has the flu. He is so sick. Bless his heart. I just hope he starts feeling better. He is at work right now and has to work two hours over. But like he said he would rather work two hours over then work all day Saturday. Which I totally agree on. I want my hubby home!

We watched Saw last night. OMG! That was such a scary movie. :movie: It’s one of those movies that you could see really happening. Which makes it that much more scary. Keith and I both dreamed about that movie all night. I woke up around 7:30 this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. It took me almost an hour and a half to get back to sleep. I know it felt like forever. Damn movie. It’s good. It is a movie that not everyone is going to like. I know I liked it.

I’m working on a new layout right now. But every time I get a new layout half way make. I look at it and decided I don’t like it anymore and delete it. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I guess it is a layout block. I hate to say it but it is.

I guess I’m off. Time to pick up the house a little and to make some really kick ass layouts! πŸ˜€

Normal day, like any other

Today has been so…blah. I don’t know why. I updated my father-in-laws website for him, I did dishes and picked up the house a little. Most of the time by the time I got done with all that; I want to watch a little TV or work on my computer some more. But I don’t know what kind of mood I’m in. I guess just blah.

I stayed in bed til 1pm today. Most of the time I get up with Keith but he got up at 12pm (30 minutes early) and we didn’t get in bed til 4am this morning. I need sleep. I guess that could be the reason I feel like blah.

I am working on some new layouts for Crazy Talk. I think this time around on the skins I am going to do a different layout for each skin. Not just changing colors with each skin. I am at a layout block at the moment. Well, kind of. I just don’t want to use people in my layouts. Well, I might, if I find a sexy Johnny Depp one. I would love to do some dirty things to that man. I mean, if I wasn’t married. *drools* πŸ˜‰

Moody Mother Earth

I’m glad I’m not the only one that finds it wrong about the Scott Peterson fan site. But anyway, new subject I suppose.

Thank you for every ones loving comments about Lily. She will be missed. πŸ˜₯ Caroline gets Cheddar (baby) this weekend. Keith and I are going to fix up a little care package for her. We are going to include all of her favorite foods/snacks and a little house thing that she has been sleeping in and so on. I think Caroline is going to be a good little caregiver. I am very proud of her. She has ADHD and since she started school it has gotten worse. But since they put her on some new medication she has done so good. πŸ˜€ We (my family, Keith and I) are so proud. Mom thinks having a small pet like Cheddar with help. I think so too.

Speaking of Cheddar, he is doing very well. He is growing up so fast. I keep thinking “WOW! How does something this small when born, grow up so fast?” It’s so unreal.

I swear the weather here is being very moody. LOL I promise! Last night it was snowing a little before Keith got home from work. Then when we was going to bed last night it was raining. :rain: WTF? What is going on? I think the mother earth is on her rag. *giggles* I crack myself up.

Last night I wrote a tutorial about changing a site over from HTML to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Tonight I believe I am going to add a tutorial about CSS and some basic HTML stuff. I also added a downloads page. It only has three things on it but I am going to go through all my scripts I find useful and put them on there. I promise to give full credit to who ever wrote them. I just will upload a version I edited to make valid in XHTML. I love the scripts I use and I thought that maybe some other people might want them.