1.5 fixed for the moment!

I’m going crazy with WordPress. I have finally made a layout that I kind of like. And forget themes. Stupid themes for wordpress. :grr: I am tired of it! I am tired of 1.5. I liked 1.2 better. But maybe that’s me. :ouch:

If anyone has any ideas about what I can do for a layout please feel free to leave a comment. My head hurts and I am very tired of working with WP. LOL I am very lazy with it.

I am off for now. I have to pick up the living room and move Egg (my hammie, the dwarf) to a new cage. A little smaller one. He has this really big cage and I think he would feel more at home in a smaller one.

1.5 finally done

WOW! I have been editing my WordPress files like crazy. I am almost done. I know, I said I would be back last night and I wasn’t. But opps. Sorry! I don’t know, what else to say. I have a life you know. What’s up with all the questions. DAMN! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, what do you think of the new layout? I still haven’t decided if I like it. I think I will make a new one but with about the same colors. So, all I have to do is redo the image. I think that’s what I will do. Yeah, redo the image. 😐

I took off the word count and added a few new things. Like: browers sniff (Detects web browser type and operating system), and I added, the every other color thing to the comments and umm. . . that’s about it. I thought it was more then that but I guess not. LOL πŸ™‚ I am wanting to turn Crazy–Talk.Org around. Make it look better. The designs seem so childish but I don’t know. I like it for my personal site but I want something like my design site. I want something simple but purple. LOL I don’t know. It’s late and my mind is going in circles. ❓

I have some much to do but so little time, it feels like. I have been waiting to do so much more on the net but it always get away from me. I am weird. Oh, well I guess.


Well, at the moment it’s the butt crack of dawn and I am awake still. :dead: I am trying to stay awake until Keith goes to bed tonight. Which would make me staying up for WAY to long but now when I sleep during the day; I don’t feel like I have slept at all when I wake up. Which means, I’m to use to my husband beside me and I am trying to get where I can go to bed with him. This 4am to 4pm is working out great for him but is killing me. I love my husband and I want to be able to sleep next to him at least once this week. I miss that. :hearts:

We haven’t been a part one night since we moved in together. It kills us to be a part this (12 hours) long. But he is doing it so we can have a home to live in, cellphones, gas, etc. You know the list of bills; the normal.

I am still planing on getting a job. But I haven’t decided where yet. I wouldn’t mind working at Food Lion or Wal-Mart but I really don’t want to work with fast food. I don’t mind cooking for people but people are so rude in fast food. :grumpy: People in those places most of the time want to blame everyone on the new person and then you look worse. I’m not saying that every fast food place is like that but the ones I worked in was. I hated that. I know most people liked working at Wal-Mart. But I don’t know. It could be like that there too. :looksleft: Oh well, I guess. I mean, I won’t know until I start there.

But on to the good stuff, site stuff. πŸ˜€ I have edited the great smilies that can be found at Beccary.Com to match this layout. I have taken down all skins but one. I just update a few things here and there. Nothing to big yet. I want to do so much more but I still haven’t decided yet.

I skinned Chet’s site today. I got everything done but changing a few pages over and then I’m done. YAY! It was a lot of hard work but it looks very good! I feel so proud. :balloons:

Long list to do. . . Aww, look at Caroline

I was looking through all my pictures I have on my computer and I came across this picture of Caroline. Isn’t she cute? She is the sweetest kid. This picture was taken at my high school graduation. LOL

I swear I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Caroline and Meadow in my life. The make me smile, the make me laugh. And they make me want a baby. I almost raised them from the time they was born. I feel like such a mother to them. But I know I will always be “Nanny” to them. πŸ˜€

I am making a casts page right now for my blog. It will have a little 60×45 px picture next to a little paragraph about each person. I only have about 5 paragraphs done but I’m working on more. I am also working on a new layout, helping CJP and trying to write a PHP script. The script I am trying to write, I know they are other scripts out there like it but I want to write mine own. Because I know I can do it but it is going to take time. It’s a small script but still the same.

I have a big long list of stuff. YAY! LOL No, not really. *giggles*

Stupid FL

I swear, the staffers at TFL.Org don’t have any clue about what’s going on. I have deleted like 35 or more links from my fanlisting links because the links where dead. That’s right, dead! :dead: I can understand one or two but over 35. WTF?

It makes me very mad. I put time in to joining and the owners of the sites don’t even have the time to update/write an email saying hey, look the site has moved or gone or anything. DAMN! I don’t understand people that do that. I guess I am over reacting like always. :yell:

Right now a storm is coming in. :storm: I hate rain and I really really hate storms. I wish my hubby was here.