Someone Else’s Dream

“Let me see how this sounds, let me repeat it ‘You kinky ass WHORE'” –Rainbow to Kitten on 10.17.03

I put up a few new smilies. πŸ˜€ I can’t help it. I love them. Anytime I find good ones I have to add them. But any who….

I have been wondering if anyone knows any good B2 Hacks that I could get and download. I am looking around for a few. I love B2 but I know for a fact they have hacks but I just don’t any good places to get them…right now I am at bo which is the They have a few but I don’t know what I’m really looking for. I want to learn how to do b2 by myself. You know?

I am in a little bit of a writing mood yet I don’t know what I really want to write about. I guess that is why I am updating my blog. I have been aiming to update more often. But I get tired and then I don’t know what to write about. I need a more interesting life. But everyone knows my life only deals with Chris and my computer. LMAO

I kept my fingers crossed hoping that Chris would get to come over and get to spend the night and he does. YAY!! He does get to come over Saturday and stay all night. πŸ˜€ I am so happy.

You know what I have decided that I will put a fire cracker under Ronda’s ass…I believe that would make her ass get up. Dumb Bitch!! But any who…

I am working on a more simpler layout for Faded Stars. I want something simple yet to the point. I don’t like these layouts that take 20 minutes to load and then it’s a image they took off someone else site and added a few colors and turned it in to a .png file…which take FOREVER to load on dial up. I’m just glad I have a cellphone now that I can get a call and still be online, which I hardly ever get a call….

I am waiting for Tina to do a few B2 hacks for me now but I told her to get around to it when ever….I am in no hurry. I never am. πŸ˜€ I am great like that.

That BITCH….Pissed…New Section

“The reason the grass is always greener on the other side, is that you’re so busy looking at their grass, you forget to water your own.” –Unknown

I swear I sometimes just want to hurt Ronda. I mean I would never do something like that but I do want too. She told Chris that I need to stay out of their family’s business. I won’t be in their business if she would act like a mother and not a damn teenager. My Goddess…I act more of an adult then she does. I want to slap the shit out of her. The big ass cow . Wait, I didn’t mean that….wait, Yes I did. That BITCH!!! I have one thing to say to her Fuck You. I feel better now since I got that out.

That bitch won’t even let Chris touch her computer . I mean, WTF? She won’t let him use the phone or anything. She makes my head hurt . She makes me see : s t a r s : . I swear. I just want to go up to her and go ‘WTF did your mom and dad do to you? I mean really, did they drop you or something?’ The only reason Chris came out normal is because of his father. Poor Guy…he is such a nice man and she won’t let Chris even see him. She is so heated.

I am so bored right now. I added a new me section @ me_index.php. It has got a little bit more about me then I had before on the site. I thought to myself, this is suppose to be a personal site, where is the personal? You know? Well, at least I know…. LMAO

I just wish Chris and I could be on together more often. Between the both of us we worry ourselves to death. I worry about him being over there in that hell whole and he worries about me being over here without him. I swear it has to get better then this. I hope it does. It better….

Control….That Bitch…..Cellphone?

“A desire to be in charge of our own lives, a need for control, is born in each of us. It is essential to our mental health, and our success, that we take control.” –Robert F. Bennett

I got a cell phone finally. : D I am so happy about it. I have a plan with my father. I have to pay half the bill but I did get my phone for free. Buy one phone get one free. πŸ˜› Pimp isn’t it? Well, I thought so. I got a Nokia 3595. It’s got a colored screen and everything. It’s pretty neat. I am just so glad I got one finally.

I didn’t go to school yesterday because I went to town with my mother. I got my cell phone. Chris did get to spend the night Friday. That was a plus. I miss him so much now, since we really don’t get to spend a lot of time out side of school together. I love him so much. I just wish we could hurry up and get his mother to let him move in. But I have no clue how that is going to work. I just hope everything will be okay. He is so scared that I am going to cheat on him again. Which I already promised him and MYSELF I wouldn’t do that. I understood what I did and I don’t want to lose him over something stupid like that.

But any who….

I am just sitting here looking up personal sites and being bored. Chris is suppose to call me back at 10 on my phone. He had to get him a cell phone too because his mother was going to make him pay half the phone bill when he doesn’t even use the phone a total of 20 minutes a day. I know he doesn’t even get to use it that much. His mother won’t let him. She won’t let him get online or anything. She barely lets him come over here. Which really pisses me off! I mean we are dating and we should be able to see each other. But no, the bitch has to be a dumb ass and thinks she doesn’t know what she plans. Like Chris and I didn’t know she would go through our stuff. That fucking BITCH!! Sorry, I had to get that out. I mean I have been holding that in for a while. I hope she remembers my URL so, she can read what I said about her. I swear I want to go off on her but I won’t because I love Chris and I don’t want to make it where she won’t let us see each other all together. You Know? But any who…..

I think I better go before I go off some more….LMAO

Helping Hand

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” –Andre Gide

I am doing okay. I decided to put up a new layout again. I am trying to add a couple more pages about me again. I had a few up at one time yet I took them down because I didn’t really like them. : ) But I can work on new ones. I have the time at school now. I don’t really do anything in class.

I am working on some stuff for one of my hostees at PurpleUsul.Com. I am working on PHP and giving her site a new look. I hope she likes it.

I don’t have much more to say but…..well, nothing really.

Cell Phone Blues & Lonely

“This isn’t school, this is hell with fluorescent lights.” — T-shirt in Gadzooks

Since I have moved out of Chris’s house. I swear my bed has been so lonely. I miss him so much. But that’s okay, I mean Chris and I will be together in the end. I hope…..if Ronda keeps her big ass out of it.

Mom talk to the chick over Dairy Queen and most likely I will be able to get a job there. πŸ˜• At least it’s a job that I can work at and get paid. $$$$ You know? Mom also said if I start doing the stuff I did before I left (doing dishes, etc), she would start paying me $20 to $25 a week. I want to get a cell phone. Looking at AT&T Wireless and Suncom. I just don’t know what I am going to do just yet. I don’t want something I have to pay an arm and a leg for. I need something simple and will get the job done. πŸ™‚ I like simple!! I does me good.

Chris is at work right now and I’m not sure what time he gets off yet. I told him to call me before 9:30pm. I hope he does. I let him go early today on the phone before his mom got home to take him to work. So, I could talk to my mom about a cell phone. I really want one and will me about to start driving more. I need one and I mean I go on so many band trips. I need a cell phone.