
The over due list



This month like every other month is super busy. This that happen:

  • March 9th: My mom’s 50th birthday. Had a family dinner and cake at my house
  • March 13th: Got my tattoo touched up and another added to my left rib cage
  • March 16th: Caroline’s 14th birthday. Went to her party
  • March 16th & 17th: We went to TN rented a hotel for the night, got up the next morning and went to one of our friends wedding PS: I love mini-road trips with my husband.
  • March 24th: Friends had grill out and game night
  • March 29th: (tomorrow) Kyle gets the rest of his arm finished up. Tattoos for all!

Also, I ordered a pretty nice camera from Toys R Us should be getting that in the mail any day. Which means I need to renew my Flickr account now.

As you can see from my list I am busy. This doesn’t include my 30 hour work week nor full time college student nor full time wife. 😛 But would I change at thing. . .never!

Also, this is wordless Wednesday; so here is a picture!!


Merry Christmas. . .or whatever you do for the holidays


(Picture includes left to right: Kyle, Alex, Erka, Grey, Me and Melvin taking the picture. Taken on Christmas Eve!

It is 7 minutes before Christmas is over and I am a very happy and lucky girl. I have an amazing husband, wonderful family, this includes his family as well and our perfect friends. We are very luck for everything and everyone. I don’t say it enough but I am so thankful.

I hope everyone got what they wanted and got to spend the day / holidays with someone they love. Life is to damn short to be unhappy.


Truly struggling

I have been wanting to blog for a few days but just haven’t had the time really. I just finished another semester of school. I believe I only have two more to go. I am still working but I did drop down to four days a week just because I wanted more time.

I am truly struggling with working, school and life. I don’t know how people manger to do it all plus be social or whatever else they want to do. I am terrible about balancing time. I don’t think it’s because I’m bad about losing time but I feel like I have no time to balance. I go to school from 12 – 3:40pm, I work 4 – 11:30pm. I also live a 45 minutes to an hour away. So I am gone most days for around 13 hours or more if I decide to go grocery shopping after work (thank the gods for Wal-Mart and Kroger 24-hours). I also have to find time to do homework, sleep, cook/eat, spend time with my husband and take care of house/animals. I have to say I do have a pretty amazing husband. He works also and goes to school. Most weeks are days off do not line up so we take turns with the house duties and the animals. We try to at least talk before bed and during our driving times. Text messaging is also our best friend.

I am very lucky to have a husband that does whatever that needs to be done around the house and he would must rather do it then wait and let me do it most of the time. I can’t thank him enough for all the support he gives me. I am less stressed now than I have been in the past doing just school or just work. He makes it all okay.

But I do find that my social life has taken a hit. My closest friends I never get to talk to just because our days off, or times we work or whatever doesn’t line up. I miss my friends. I have been trying to text or call to keep in touch but I am terrible about it. I am just so tired I would rather sleep than shower most nights. But I am enjoying my couple of weeks between semesters. I am going to enjoy the shit out of it. 😀

I hope to get a few projects done during that time. Blog more and spend time with my husband. :* Well, I do believe I am going to enjoy the dinner I cooked and watch some TV with the hubby!