1. Have you and a friend ever have an argument because you were attracted to the same person? I think so in high school but that has been many years ago.
2. Who never returns your phone calls? Here lately my mother. Other wise, I most likely it’s me not returning them. oops.
3. What was your favorite childhood toy? Seems silly now but I use to go outside and play cooking. Find old pots and pans, spoons, and jars. And act like I was on a cooking show.
4. Who is the last person you greeted at your door? My brother, Stacy and their son Chance.
5. Would you change anything about your life right now? HELL NO! I am happier then I have ever been.
6. Who is the easiest person for you to talk to? Either muh Cammie or Kyle. It is a toss up.
7. If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose? Good question, I have no clue. Maybe, umm. . .during the times of Egyptians. I want to know how the pyramids was made.
8. What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed? I have no clue. Maybe Ozzfest 2004. I guess.
9. What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child? In 20s. I find it a good age to be able to enjoy having a child but still young enough to be a child yourself with them.
– Saturday 9