
Happy and sadness

So much to blog about but so little time. Cammie will be there THIS Thursday. I can not wait. We have so much to do. We are getting inked the night she flies in. Then who knows what else. I am looking so forward to the end of this week.

Tomorrow is going to be a sad day. My great aunt Betty died Sunday morning sometime. I wasn’t super close with her but she was my grandmother’s sister. I need to be at the funeral home for her.

This week is full of happy and sadness. We all deal with death in our own ways. I hope my grandmother will be okay. It was her last remaining living sister. Which has to be even harder.


Working on

Well, I have been working on the back end of Rawrz. Nothing big. Just adding plugins and such. Trying to make it better. Not sure if it is even working. lol πŸ™‚

I start my summer classes in about a week. Which doesn’t give me much time off from school but never the less it is nice to have some kind of a break.

I am getting so excited about Cammie coming down. We have been on the phone and AIM already trying to find cool stuff to do. Not a whole lot to do in KY but just being in the same room as her is awesome. πŸ™‚ I luz her.

I’m looking forward to my fall classes because I am going to start taking Introduction to JavaScript, Visual BASIC I and Advanced Web Page Development. I can not wait. Can you see my nerd showing? πŸ˜€ I love learning new stuff about web design and programing. In the spring I want to take SQL. Which will be amazing.

Anyway. I want to make a new design over here. Wish me luck.


All over the place

I have two more finals and then I am done with this semester. Then I have a week off, then time to start my summer semester. So much school. On the plus side, the money I needed to get my summer classes did happen. So, I don’t have to be behind in my degree course. This makes me a happy Jenn. πŸ˜€

Besides school, nothing much has been going on here besides tons and tons of rain. The weather has been crazy. We are having a flood here like we did last year. I might have to get pictures again like last year. That is if I can find my camera that just turned up missing. Go me. I lost a $100 digital camera. How does that even happen? I am really good about stuff like that and some how it got miss placed in this house. My luck, I will buy a new one because I can’t find the old one. Then when I go to move, I’ll find it and be pissed. That is totally my luck.

I’m kind of lonely tonight. Kyle is at work until at least 10:45 or so. I added a new page to the site, called Bookshelf. Just a page with what I am currently reading. I also, cleaned house. I am so bored. I hate being home alone. Either I sleep the whole time or I can’t find anything to do and I’m bored. I’m silly. I might go play Mario on the Wii. You never know. Or might change web pages. I’m kind of crazy like that too.

I have descried when I get my school money in the summer; I am going to buy a whole year of hosting. That way I don’t have to worry about it. I’ve been with Holdfire for over a year and a half. I don’t see myself moving servers anytime soon. One reason for the price I get good service. Don’t get me wrong, from time to time it goes done but hardly ever and all servers do that from time to time. So, I am happy at this time.

BTW, this entry is all over the place right now. I guess I will get off before I make someones head explode. lol


Life never stops

As always life has not stopped. Both Kyle and I have been so busy we haven’t had time to breathe. Between the semester coming to an end, registering for summer and fall classes. Trying to keep the house and yard stuff done. I don’t remember my own name. I can’t wait til the end of May to happen. My Cammie will be here for a short but needed vacation on both our parts. I need a big dose of my BFF so bad.

I’m worried about summer classes. If I don’t get a loan or a grant. I won’t be able to take the one class I need to stay on my two year degree path. If I don’t get it in, then I will be a whole year behind. Because the classes I need for the fall all depend on the one summer class. And the classes in the fall are only offered in the fall in classroom. I can take them in the spring but online only. I really don’t like the idea of taking program languages online. That is a classroom kind of class. lol

BTW, I am using a pre-made theme from DearAgony.Org. I really do like this layout but I might change the colors up. I don’t know yet. But always glad to get a new look plus it was pretty easy to throw up. πŸ™‚ So thank you Vicky.

I did make supper tonight. Homemade beef-stew. Very yummy. I did all the house work and now I think it is time to shower before I talk Kyle in to coming to bed. XD Night work.


A catch up

I have been wanting to update for the past week or so but I have been super busy. I worked four days last week, went to school two and was busy with my grandmother one day. Which took up every single day I had. I was busy doing homework and what not on my down time. I think I am getting the hang of working again plus school.

I started work April 1st and Kyle had a job interview that day as well. He got a job at Toys ‘R’ Us. We will be getting our first paychecks together on in the same week.

We also have been talking about looking to buy a house together. I own my trailer to sell it to have a down payment on a house. But we are not sure yet. We was just putting the ideas out there. We was trying to plan a head. Which I do way to much sometimes. Not always a bad thing but also I love to have results right now. I hate waiting for anything. And house searching and buy is a big thing and needs to have a ton of thought and a ton of waiting.