As The Fairy Tail Turns

Once there was a girl. A very beautiful girl. She was very lost. Lost in a dark evil forest. Very lonely. Maybe to lonely. She feels like she might see light at the end of the forest. Maybe day. . .maybe silly magic at the end of the forest. Is her heart, her eyes playing tricks on her?

I do believe so. She stays lost and confused about her surrounds. She sees passer by and she speaks. No one hears her voice. She touches their face to only find ghost. Left over ghost of pass moments. A very nasty trick you ask me.

Her heart beats for her soul mate. She thinks she might see him at the end of this forest. Is she doomed to walk alone? Is she doomed to only see ghost forever?

Tune in next week for the conclusion of “As The Fairy Tail Turns”

Save me, please

I have given up on love. I swear. I do love. I love very much but all it does is cause me more confusion and more hurt.

What do you do when the one you want to save you doesn’t want you anymore? What do you do when your jealous of the actions of a man you don’t want to be with? What do you do when your hurt by a friendly hug but you want that hug?

I don’t know if it hurts less or hurts more to get those friendly touches. :/

I’m so lost. :save me: Just save me please.

Have you even been in love?

Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn’t it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life. . .

You give them a piece of you. They don’t ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn’t your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like “maybe we should just be friends” or “how very perceptive” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.

The Kindly Ones by Neil Gaiman

I read this and felt it to be true. I can’t put in to words how I truly feel anymore. I keep getting the same words: confusion, anger, passion, and so many more words. Mainly confusion. I feel lonely and hurt. I feel betrayed.

I want to say I have given up on everyone but I know that is a lie. I know it isn’t true. I normally keep on loving no matter what. Hurt or not. I can’t do it anymore. I won’t do it anymore.

I have watched people I love hurt themselves and others around them. I don’t get it. One word, one emotion can do so much. LOVE. Really. That word has so much power. So much feeling behind it. The only other word I know that has so much power is hate. So, close it is scary.

I have always felt you can’t hate anyone unless you have truly loved them. Even this being the case, I have never hated anyone. It isn’t in me to hate. I love so much. I have so much passion and feeling for so many people. Sometimes I get blown away by the amount of emotion I have for someone.

I have been where I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep living and sleeping next to that person anymore. I have also made mistakes. I have thought I was making the right choice and never not even once thought back. Then at times I have thought I made the right choice then soon after went “Oh, damn it. I messed up.”. I felt have done that. I want to build friendships again. I want to laugh and play and feel loved again. I am going to build my friendships back. Everything is going to fall in place the way it is suppose to. It will. I hope. 🙂

Life update

As I had promised I would write. I’m not sure if anyone in my blog life really knows what has been going on with me. I guess I need to start from well, about a month and a half ago.

I made a big step in my life again. I got re-married. It did happen very quickly. I am very happy about it.

I made a choice. I can be upset, sad and bitter about not being with someone or make the best out of it and I happen to find the perfect person for me. Greg. My new wonderful husband. I couldn’t be happier.

We are also, trying to find a house to buy. I’m not sure how that is going but it is going. lol 🙂

I am planing on changing layouts here. I’m working on another project for me. Then two other sites for other people. Yep, busy there. Plus, normal work. :yay: Not.

BTW, when did fall happen? For real. I mean, it was 90 degrees like two days ago, now it is 62. WTF?

Also, I upgraded wordpress. Totally hate the new look. But that isn’t what I’m upset about. I have some entries from 2003 which are from 1.5 or so of wordpress backed up. I got them ported over but WP will not read them. If anyone could help. Please leave a comment or email. Thanks.