Quality time with my baby!

Keith and I spent some quality time together last night. It felt good to spend that time with him. We don’t get to spend real quality time with each other often. Most of the time he comes home from work he wants to eat and watch tv/movie :movie: or play the game (PS2).

Used to when I was still living with my mother and father he would come over and we would lay and talk for hours but it doesn’t happen as often now. We have talked about getting back in the habit of that and we have more lately. I just wish we got to spend the weekend with each other. Going to our parent’s houses every weekend really takes away from our time together. At least on the weekends he is off work we would love to just be able to go out. Not plan our weekends around them. :yell:

Keith has to work over tonight. He has to work two hours over. He won’t be getting home until 1am. πŸ™ I wish he would be home normal time. We have to get up early tomorrow and go to the bank before it closes. He is going to put me on his banking account. We hadn’t really thought about it until now and since we have to go see our parents anyway, we thought might as well get up and go so we can get back home sooner. Smart thinking, huh? I know it was.

Today we have been married 5 months. I can’t believe it has already been 5 months now. It doesn’t even feel like we have been married. You know? Most people say they feel married but Keith and I are still waiting for that, I guess. We both just feel so happy. I love him so much.

As some of you guys noticed Crazy Talk has a new theme; Green Rock Star. I hope you like. I know I do. *giggles* Also, Crazy Talk is now one years old and still kicking. I have already renewed my domain and hosting. YAY! :cute: I can’t believe it has already been a year here. I had Faded Stars for a while but not this long I don’t believe. And Crazy Talk has had over 10,000 visitors now. WOW! I can’t believe it. I know I am very happy!

I don’t want to get up, mommy!!

I will be updating this tomorrow when I get up. New layout. And I am going to try to update all of the skins but at least put one skin up. Only one skin at the moment. More to come once I get out of this layout block.

I haven’t updated my blog because I got sick. Damn cold!!! I hating being sick. I just laid around all weekend and slept A LOT.

I’m off to get in the shower. Yay, warm water. Kinky, I know!! *thinks to self* I’m not sure how warm water is kinky. But for me, it is. *laughs* πŸ˜‰ I’m great like that.

More when I get up. πŸ˜€

Great news!!

We found Cheddar. Well, Nathan found Cheddar but still the same. He found her!! I was so glad. Keith and I felt such a load off out backs. :cute:

Keith and I went out to the movies :movie: today after we took Nathan to meet up with his dad. We went and seen Boogeyman. It was really good. It scared the crap out of me. But still the same good movie.

I had something else to say but I forgot what it was. Damn it! :dead: Oh yeah, Christine, I don’t mind at all to write a few step by steps for Gimp. I know gimp like the back of my hand. I’m that good. LOL I know; big ego. 😳 I can’t help it. I use gimp all the time. I don’t use anyother graphics program. I might also put some of the patterns and brushes I have made to download. I am working on putting fonts on the site as well.

Oh yeah, before I forget. Anyone who leaves a real comment on my new guestbook will get their 468x60px banner on my site for life. πŸ˜€ Yeah, I am in a very giving mood. Just leave the comment then, send me an email giving me your name, site name, banner URL, site URL. That’s it. Just leave a comment in the guestbook and send an email to me. πŸ˜€ Lucky you, huh?

I lost WHAT?

Well, I lost Cheddar. I have no clue how he got out but I blame it on me. Keith and I are so sad. Caroline was very upset too. Last night he got out while we was at Wal-Mart. Mom told Caroline. Poor Caroline was not a happy camper.

Mom told us anyway today it was a bad idea to give her a hammie right now anyway. Her grades are starting to go down. In the last week or so. Her work looks like she didn’t even try. I don’t know what to do. One week she does so well and the next it’s a total nightmare. :stress: I just want her to be like normal kids her age because I know she worries a lot about her father (in jail) and her mother (which could be God, knows where). She has so much on her mind. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother will all my heart but he fucked up. Plan and simple! He fucked up, him and his wife and now their two kids have to deal with that. I mean, I don’t think I could handle something like that if I was her age and she has. She has done it very well. I just want her to be like other kids. I mean, I wouldn’t take all the money in the world to change her. I just want her to feel better inside. I know, she is sad.

Okay, I really need a new subject. I don’t like thinking about what Caroline has gone through. It made me want to cry. πŸ˜₯

Keith and I went to his mom and dad’s house today and my mom and dad’s. I was really glad to see the girls and his family. Nathan decided to come spend the night tonight. Right now, Keith and him is gone to Wal-Mart to buy him (Nathan) some pants. He needs them for school. But anywho, I decided to stay here and type on my blog, maybe write some more stuff and add maybe some more downloads. I’m sure I can add a few scripts I use. If you would like a script to be here for you to download. Leave me a comment and I will see about getting it. πŸ˜€ Because I am get like that. I also want to put some fonts on here. I think I will do that. Later!

Moody Mother Earth

I’m glad I’m not the only one that finds it wrong about the Scott Peterson fan site. But anyway, new subject I suppose.

Thank you for every ones loving comments about Lily. She will be missed. πŸ˜₯ Caroline gets Cheddar (baby) this weekend. Keith and I are going to fix up a little care package for her. We are going to include all of her favorite foods/snacks and a little house thing that she has been sleeping in and so on. I think Caroline is going to be a good little caregiver. I am very proud of her. She has ADHD and since she started school it has gotten worse. But since they put her on some new medication she has done so good. πŸ˜€ We (my family, Keith and I) are so proud. Mom thinks having a small pet like Cheddar with help. I think so too.

Speaking of Cheddar, he is doing very well. He is growing up so fast. I keep thinking “WOW! How does something this small when born, grow up so fast?” It’s so unreal.

I swear the weather here is being very moody. LOL I promise! Last night it was snowing a little before Keith got home from work. Then when we was going to bed last night it was raining. :rain: WTF? What is going on? I think the mother earth is on her rag. *giggles* I crack myself up.

Last night I wrote a tutorial about changing a site over from HTML to XHTML 1.0 Transitional. Tonight I believe I am going to add a tutorial about CSS and some basic HTML stuff. I also added a downloads page. It only has three things on it but I am going to go through all my scripts I find useful and put them on there. I promise to give full credit to who ever wrote them. I just will upload a version I edited to make valid in XHTML. I love the scripts I use and I thought that maybe some other people might want them.