
Over it

I am finally over being sick. Thank the gods. I thought I was going to die Friday. Fevers going from 100 – 103 or even a little higher. Mom went and picked me up a z-pack. I started it. I only have one more to take out of the meds. That will be tomorrow. I have felt a little better each day. Tomorrow I return to work.

Watching House, I started 30 minutes in. #fail I guess it could be worse.

I went out to eat with mom today since today is Meadow’s birthday. I enjoyed myself. I got fish. Yum! 🙂 Nothing else to report. I know I am super boring.


Maybe to happy

I hate people that only post about happy things in their blog. I know it’s their blog but no one is that happy all the time, no matter what. Life isn’t perfect and I know life is hard. But I can’t stand to read a blog that is happy all the time. Just like people, I can’t stand to be around people that act happy all the time. It’s not natural. It’s not healthy.

/end rant

Anyways, the cave tour went great even if I was sick. I woke up with a fever of about 103 degrees, almost 104. Turns out I had Strep throat. I got a Z pack which is a 7 days wroth of antibiotic. I started them Friday afternoon. By Saturday I felt a little better. Not where I should be but enough we went a head and did the cave tour. It was nice to go out with the family. We went to Long John’s and ate. So nice to get real food in me. I didn’t eat one bit of real food Friday. Jello and ice cream for me.

Today I am taking Meadow to the Mall / Wal-Mart / Deals and anywhere else that baby wants to go for her birthday. She turns 10 tomorrow. She spent the night with me last night. She mainly played dress up games on the computer. And watch TV. After we get back from Bowling Green, we are going up to mom’s to eat and have cake. :yay cake:

On an even brighter note, Cody comes home in 18 days! Okay, I must go get out of my pjs and in to real clothes. We are heading out soon. Meadow is in the shower now.

Working project

I am working on a new domain for a photo blog. I am trying to make it super awesome like Hannah‘s photo blog. I am picking out a color palettes now. Then to make the layout. I like the fact I am working with WP. Easier to work with since I am use to it.

I got to talk to Cody a few times today. A total of at least 40 minutes. Which was amazing. I get to see him in just a little over a week and a half. OMG! Awesome! XD I can not wait. I get to hold my baby for the first time since forever. . .well, it’s been a little over three months but it feels like forever.

I have such a headache today. I have taken a few things for it but nothing seems to work. Oh, well. I most likely will have to sleep it off.

Sick am I

I believe I have a kidney infection. I have most of the symptoms and I feel like hammered crap. What a lovely picture.

I have to go deposit money and go pay bills. What fun! It was like pulling teeth just to get out of bed today. I couldn’t sleep last night at all.

I hope I start feeling better soon or I am worried I might have to go to the doctor. Which I can’t afford right now. *crosses fingers*