Trying to

I guess I have decided not to buy the car. I’m very sure I could get the loan since I started working but I don’t want to add another payment on to our bills each month until I get all of my doctor bills paid for. I don’t want to make us run low when we don’t have too. You know?

Anyway, Spunky has a vet visit today. His stupid allergies are acting up again since Spring is on its way. The grass makes his eyes water and he is starching himself to death. He has no fleas, so I know that can’t be it. This happen last year too. He gets a shot he feels better. One a month until allergy season is gone. The joys of having a pet. But you know, I wouldn’t trade him for anything.

Just an update since I am trying to get back into this whole blogging thing. I don’t really remember it being this hard. Hmm.


Happy 22nd Birthday

Originally uploaded by ibbanginghippos

Happy birthday to muh Kyle. He turned 22 today. I already gave him his gifts days ago. . .well, right at a week ago because I can’t wait for anything. lol. I want to cook him a good dinner tonight and maybe a cake.

Also, on this great day the weather man is giving an ice storm. YAY! I hope Kyle makes it over before it starts. I don’t want to be snowed/ice stormed in without him here. lol

We also got to pick up our puppy yesterday evening. He is doing great. He is super smart. Already using puppy pads. 😀 We are very proud of him.