
More entries

As a result of me trying to blog more I have been scheduling more entries. Most of the entries that I am scheduling are picture memes but never the less they are entries about things I love or have something to do with. I am trying to blog at least every other day or so. I know, I really don’t have that much to say but really I do. Sometimes I fear about blogging due to someone finding my blog. I do have my real name on here and Google pulls my stuff very quickly now a days. Thanks Google. 😉

I have a couple things I am going to blog about shortly. Not tonight because well, I’m tired but I will leave you with a hint of it. The hint will be this; a post I made on Google+ tonight.

Someone’s status on facebook read “So tired of bitches in my life. F@#k off!” and my first thought was to type “Some bitches don’t need to date sex offender while children in the home.” But I didn’t because I don’t cause drama on Facebook. lol

Now I know you want to come back for more. Hahaha. <- That was suppose to be in a evil laugh. I'm just saying. BTW, I am normally not a drama queen but I do have a lot to say about this one subject that has to deal with this person and her family. Only because I was so close to being apart of this family. Does that make sense? Well, I am rambling and it’s 1am. I think my bed is calling my name, very soon.


Server Switch

I am in the middle of a server switch. I have everything working on this site but pictures but the pictures seem to be there. Very odd. Let me know if you can help. Thanks a ton.

[Edit] I’m having issues with images show up in blog entries now. If you check the image URL the image is there and loads but in entries I get a broken image. Everything else is working. Just wondering if anyone might have a clue on how to help! 🙂 


I dream in code

As one summer class ends, another one begins and as this class ends, my normal fall classes will start. I am taking a lot of school on and not taking breaks in hopes everything will fall into place for me and I can enjoy a life and job with doing something I love. <3 Web design is the only thing I have wanted to do for a long time. I love everything about it. As I said to one of my teachers in class "It's my art!". I know that sounds silly but to some pictures or graphics but not me, web design. Lines of code, makes me happy. It makes me smile. I think I might dream in code sometimes. I start a project and I live for it. Craziness! Random blog entry of the week. I have to blog for the summer class I'm in. I might post the entries here. 😉 I'm awesome like that.