
Wordless Wednesday: Adult Sippy Cup

Wordless Wednesday: too close to home
Someone who makes you happy #photoadayApril

Someone who makes you happy
Someone who makes you happy: Photo A Day Challenge (Which would be my wonderful and amazing husband! He is my everything!!)
The over due list

This month like every other month is super busy. This that happen:
- March 9th: My mom’s 50th birthday. Had a family dinner and cake at my house
- March 13th: Got my tattoo touched up and another added to my left rib cage
- March 16th: Caroline’s 14th birthday. Went to her party
- March 16th & 17th: We went to TN rented a hotel for the night, got up the next morning and went to one of our friends wedding PS: I love mini-road trips with my husband.
- March 24th: Friends had grill out and game night
- March 29th: (tomorrow) Kyle gets the rest of his arm finished up. Tattoos for all!
Also, I ordered a pretty nice camera from Toys R Us should be getting that in the mail any day. Which means I need to renew my Flickr account now.
As you can see from my list I am busy. This doesn’t include my 30 hour work week nor full time college student nor full time wife. 😛 But would I change at thing. . .never!
Also, this is wordless Wednesday; so here is a picture!!