I feel like I’m going to be sick

The the past couple days I have felt like I’m going to be sick. Not a little sick, but like I need to run for the bathroom. :yuck: I have been sleeping about 10-14 hours every night. I feel like I need it. If I don’t get that much I feel like I am going to fall a sleep in the middle of talking. Which has never happen to me. Man, the more days go by the more I believe I’m having a baby.

Thank you everyone who left such sweet and hopeful comments. It means a lot to me and my husband. I know a couple of you guys made the comment about how young I am. I know I’m very young but I know the older I get the harder it is to get pregnant and to take care of a child. My husband is 23 and is going on 24 in December. I’ll be 20 in November. So, we are not as young as soon mothers and fathers. I know that even though we are young, my husband will stand by me no matter what. I know that my husband would NEVER just drop his family to do what he wanted and I know that my husband would work himself to death to put food on the table for his family. I pray he would never do that (work himself to death) but I know he would.

I need to get off the rant. LOL Well, it really isn’t a rant but anywho. I have to go to Keith’s cousin, Rachel’s baby shower this Saturday. I kind of don’t want to go but I know I need to since I’m newest family member and it would be nice of me. We bought the baby sleepers and little Ts and a toy peep. The peep is my favorite thing. Its all cute and stuff. I think her baby is about 4 or 5 weeks old now.

I have decided to make our baby’s first blanket. I’m crocheting our baby’s blanket. I am using yarn that is purple, blue, light green, yellow and dark green and the colors flow right in to each other. I will have to take some pictures when I’m done. ๐Ÿ˜€ I am very proud of it. I know those colors can be used on either a boy or a girl. You know? I told Keith I don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl as long as they are healthy and happy. That’s the important thing to me and he agrees. But deep down I know he wants a boy. What man doesn’t?


Well, I find out March 15th if I’m pregnant. I haven’t had a period since January 1st-8th. My weight at the moment is 101 lbs (normal weight about 96 – 97 lb) and I have put 4 inchs around my stomach. I am eating everything in sight. Last night Keith took me to Wendys to get some food and I ate chillie, a salad, fruit bowl, and a bake potatoe all in one setting. I feel sick in the mornings when I get up. None of my pants fit me. I had to buy a new pair just to have something to wear. It’s crazy. If I’m right then I am. I’m not showing up on any pee test but the 15th we are going to get a blood test done.

I really want to be. Keith and I have been waiting a baby for a while. I stop taking my pills and we have been trying for one. Keith is so happy. We are almost 99.9% sure that I am. Which makes me very happy. We are going to start looking for a bigger apartment for right now. Then start saving like crazy for the baby and a house. If I’m right about when I got pregnant, I’m about 9 weeks along and the baby would be born around October 8th or so. Another birthday at the end of the year. LOL

Keith and I have already talked about names as well. If a boy Eric Marchall (Eric is my fathers middle name and Marchall is his fathers middle name) and if a girl Jillian Rebecca (Jillian because I love the name and Rebecca because that’s his moms middle name). I just love the way Jillian sounds. It’s so pretty. ๐Ÿ™‚

I really hope I am pregnant. I feel different, I think I feel pregnant but I don’t know what pregnant feels like so, I don’t know. *giggles* :heart: But either way, if I am, then this baby will have all the love in the world and will know that he/she was wanted more then anything and if I’m not then we will keep trying. We want a baby.

Stupid FL

I swear, the staffers at TFL.Org don’t have any clue about what’s going on. I have deleted like 35 or more links from my fanlisting links because the links where dead. That’s right, dead! :dead: I can understand one or two but over 35. WTF?

It makes me very mad. I put time in to joining and the owners of the sites don’t even have the time to update/write an email saying hey, look the site has moved or gone or anything. DAMN! I don’t understand people that do that. I guess I am over reacting like always. :yell:

Right now a storm is coming in. :storm: I hate rain and I really really hate storms. I wish my hubby was here.

Maybe DSL . . .

Well, theme 3 is here. Click on Simple Purple on the menu and you will see it. I am going to work on my father-in-laws site tonight. I have been working on CT for the last couple of days. It’s time for his site now. I really should work on his some, I do get paid for it. (Money = Good) LOL

Today I made a really cute hemp choker with purple beads. I might take a picture of it a little later. Which reminds me, I need to add some photos to the image galleries. I took all the photos down and only added back up, photos of me high-lighting my hair and random web cam pictures. I need to get my ass in gear about somethings. I am so lazy at times. Damn me! :dead:

You know, I have no clue what I’m going to make for supper. I think I will let Keith find what he wants. I just want to sit on my ass tonight.

Oh yeah, Keith and I are thinking about getting DSL now. If we get our cable TV through the phone company then we can get DSL for only $14.95 a month. Which is great. We pay for dail up about $17 a month. I mean, our cable will go up about $14 a month but we get DSL, which means we can use are home phone while online. OMG! That would be great. Right now, we have to use our cellphones which uses our minutes. Which means, more money. I don’t want to spend more money. I mean, who does.

I still haven’t heard back from the hatelistings.net. I wish I knew something. I would just like an email saying that they read it and that they don’t like me or something. Damn. I hate waiting. ๐Ÿ˜

Tired but working

I’m almost done with the new layout. I still have a few things to work on and I am going to edit wp-comments again. I want to change a couple things, nothing big, I might try to go a head and write out some step but steps about gimp tomorrow afternoon.

:yawn: *nods off* I really need to get in bed. I got up early today and now I hear my bed calling. It says its lonely and it needs me. That sounds a lot like my hubby too. *giggles* Husbands can’t live with them and can’t live without them.

[EDIT] YAY! I’m SOTM at Tropical Plugs. Thank you for picking me. ๐Ÿ˜€ I just had to edit this post for that. I’m so happy! [/EDIT]