My puppy is home!

The land lord found out from the guy that owns the buildings that it is cool for Cookie to be here. πŸ™‚ YAY!!! I am so happy. That’s all I really have to say. I am just so happy about that.

We ended up not going to Kentucky Down Under like we said. Where it had :rain: rain off and on for the past week we was scared it would be muddy and we just didn’t feel like walking in it but we still have had fun. Keith and I both love having the girls here. We went to Wal-Mart and shopped. And came home and watched TV and played.

Around 8:15pm or so I gave them their baths and they had a cup of hot coco and went to bed. Everyone is a sleep now but me. I have enjoyed having the girls here but on the other hand I love having my ME time. πŸ˜‰ I think any women would say the same.

Kentucky Down Under

Thank you for all your wonderful comments on the new layout. πŸ™‚

Today we are spending the night with my mother and father and Saturday the girls are coming over to spend the night. We are hoping the weather is nice because we plan on taking them to Kentucky Down Under. I haven’t been since I was little and I don’t believe the girls has ever been. So, it should be a good trip all around. I am looking forward to having Caroline and Meadow spend the time. πŸ˜› Both are hand fulls but we love every minute of it.

Does anyone want to join a forum? Because if you do, is looking for new members and it is a fun place to post. If you use this URL then for every person that signs up with that URL gets me 200 “coins” and who ever has the most “coins” at the end of the month wins a prize. :giftbox: I want a prize. Come on help me out. πŸ™‚ But you have to really post and stuff or don’t join.

I don’t really have much to say today. I have been working on little updates here and there on the site and just posting my button on random plugboards around the net. I am loving this high speed internet. I am still getting use to the whole fast deal. πŸ˜€

I just joined some topsites. Why not vote for me? Oh-Bebe.Net Topsite & Zulu Topsite & Simply Precious Topsites & Pick-Me Topsites. Thank you. :heart:

Damn server has been down for 12 hours which is really odd since the server is NEVER down. I don’t know what was wrong. My site just came back up around 11 or so. Jeez. πŸ™ Let say I was not a happy camper. I wasn’t mad at my host but mad at the server itself. Which I can’t really bitch because 99.9% of the time the server is up and running with no problems. I guess I just wanted to bitch a little. :looksright: You know women? LMAO I am going to get so much shit over that comment, aren’t I? πŸ˜‰

Do you know how fast cable internet is?

We had the cable internet hooked up today. YAY! :hearts: I’m in love. LOL I can’t believe how much faster it is. I was used to shitty :poo: dial-up. Today I got up around 11:30am and waited till 12:45pm or so before the cable guy came. I was so glad to see that man. I mean, come on, he came bearing internet. Finally around 1:15 or so it was done. Yes! No more dial-up for Rainbow.

I have been working on this layout for the past day or so. I kept working on different layouts and then deleting them after about 10 minutes of working on them. I finally started working on this one and fell in love. I really love the colors. Something different from the normal blue or purple everyone is use to here. πŸ™‚

We find out Friday if Cookie can stay with us. See, our land lord doesn’t own the building we live in. He is only running it for someone else and he has to ask the guy that owns the apartments if we can. He said far as he cares its fine but he must ask the other guy. *crosses fingers* I hope. :looksleft:

Well, I guess I am off for a while. I want to work on my blanket I am crocheting for Judy for either her birthday or her yule gift. :giftbox: It just depends on when I get it done. I have maybe 1/4 done but it is coming a long well. It is done in rainbow yarn.