Things to do.

God, it seems nothing keeps caught up around here. I need to put dishes away, put all the clean clothes away, pick up the living room and I need to go through all the mail. Shoot me now! LOL

I have more RAM coming to me. πŸ˜€ I am so happy about it. Keith and Chet agreed to go half on it. After that I think everything on my computer will be up to date. Since I have a total of 110 GB hard drive, all that really needed to be updated after that was the RAM. I am on a roll.

Keith finally got cable internet hooked up in his office. He was so happy. He did nothing but play on the net for hours after he hooked it up. Right now, Keith is at work and I am home alone. Nathan went walking for job applications. I am proud of him. At least he is trying really hard. I know a lot of kids his age just don’t care and would try living off mommy and daddy for a while. I am very happy for him.

[EDIT] Nathan got a job. He just called me. He starts at ACK where Keith works tonight working 4pm to 4am. I am so proud of him. πŸ™‚ See Nathan is doing good. [/EDIT]

I am fixing to work on a new project. It won’t even be up for a while but I am working on the layout and the files for it. I am very happy about the whole idea of it. I can’t wait to get it going πŸ˜‰ but I can’t tell you. *giggles*

Family time again

We are going to take Nathan home today and spend the night at his parents house and go visit my parents tomorrow. I got up early today to give Cookie a bath and clean the house a little before we left.

Keith worked this weekend. I wished he didn’t. I miss spending time with him. :hearts:

I don’t know what to blog about. I really don’t have much to say.


I am very tired at the moment. I have been up since early. :yawn: Right now, everyone is a sleep but me and I think I need to go there now. My hands are very cold matter of fact I am cold all over. Damn AC! I feel like a snowman.

Nathan is over for the next few nights. We have had fun tonight. We all watched a movie and Keith made chili for supper. Yum. I love his chili. It has to be the best around. Very good.

I have been downloading more fonts today. Total fonts on my computer 3,385. WOW! I have a lot of fonts. I love them. About 5 weeks ago we bought a cd that had 4,000 fonts on it for $2.99 at Big Lots. I thought that was a pretty good buy. You can’t buy 1 font for that much off line sometimes and I told myself I would never buy :money: fonts since I could get some many for free but for a total of $3 we couldn’t really beat that price.

I made some shop items for Lavish.Nu the other day. Matter of fact it was a total of 40. I got really bored. πŸ™‚ Jenn is suppose to get them up by Friday. I can’t wait. I made one with a hippo on it and everything. I also, made one with Hello Kitty and a ton of others. LOL I thought they all where very cute.

Barney is the Antichrist!

Yet again I have been reading random stuff online and found this.

Everyone knows Barney… that cute purple dinosaur. But here’s something that you may not know:

1. Start with the given:

2. Change all U’s to V’s (which is proper Latin anyway)

3. Extract all Roman Numerals:

4. Convert these into Arabic values:
100 5 5 50 500 1 5

5. Add these numbers up:
+ 5

There you have it… A valid mathematical proof that Barney is the Antichrist!

I would believe that Barney is the Antichrist. LOL :cute: I mean, come on, who would think that? Anyway, I guess I better write about what is going on in my life.

Keith has been working for the last two days (well, yesterday and today) and he is off work Wednesday through Friday and works the weekend. I am kind of glad he is working. That means we don’t have to drive this weekend. Nathan is suppose to be coming over Wednesday and spending the night a couple nights. Which I don’t mind at all. I like hanging out with Nathan. He is one of my two really cool brother-in-laws I have. πŸ™‚

If anyone is wondering my Cookie is doing fine. It is kind of funny. She has finally noticed the hamster and mice cages and she just sit there looking at them for a good 30 minutes at a time. It is so cute. I have taken a few pictures of it. I might try to upload them and let your guys see. 😳 I know, I talk about her a lot but I can’t help it. I am just so glad she is home.

Especially called “passwords.txt”

God people are so mean, I just found this on Grouphug.Us. I can’t believe what people will do to other people. Some people are just evil. πŸ‘Ώ But on the other side, I do kind of agree with the very bottom part. “This should teach people to be more careful and not uploading a text file (especially called “passwords.txt”!) in a directory without any index file or .htaccess protecting it, or even without chmodding it.” I guess it would teach them. I would have to agree.

I found log ins and passwords in the results of a famous search engine, I tried them and they worked. I could change the password this guy’s email address, all the instant messengers services he was using, change his innocent profile to a sex beast, thirsty to death of orgies and wild sex, changed his website, inserted a lot of porn pictures all over it so that slowed down any browser used and longer/harder to close.

This should teach people to be more careful and not uploading a text file (especially called “passwords.txt”!) in a directory without any index file or .htaccess protecting it, or even without chmodding it.

The next time I’m thinking of inserting flash animations of 0x0px but containing a loud sound about an horny girl having an orgasm or just having sex, or the famous “My boss is a c*nt!”. Embedded wavs/mp3 doesn’t work on all the platforms, and almost everyone have the flash plug in.

Am I just as bad as that person? No, I can’t be. I just agree with some of it. LOL I am a little bitch sometimes, aren’t I?

Here is another entry I found there.

my boyfriend came inside of me last night so i’m figuring that i could be pregnant. i have no problem getting an abortion and he has no problem paying for it, but i’m just too lazy to go through all of that.

WTF? :ouch: If that chick is too lazy to get an abortion then she is too lazy to have a kid. OMG! I can’t believe people. This just shows you what kind of people are out there.